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Willow2010's picture

I really do love my DH. He is just doing stuff to annoy me lately. I guess because SS will be here for Christmas so he and DH are talking everyday so I hear about SS ALL the time these days.

Anywho...DH showed me a shirt that he wants to get off the internet. It says. "My kid serves so your does not have too." It is written over the branch of the military that SS is in. WTH? What a crock of crap. I will not go anywhere with him if he is wearing that shirt.

Sorry...but I know that SS serves because he barely passed HS and he had no other choice but to join. He knew he could not live with us unless he went to college so he went into the military. And he went into a branch that guarantees he will not see any kind of combat.

It is just annoying because when they get together they act like everyone else is beneath them since SS is in military.

Cant wait until Christmas. NOT!


overworkedmom's picture

All am very grateful for service members but sometimes people take is overboard and don't realize that the military was the only option for so many. My exh is a perfect example of this. He walks around all high and mighty about being in but he is just a jerk who couldn't do anything else with his life. It was his only chance at having any kind of career.

DaizyDuke's picture

I totally understand... while I certainly appreciate the people who serve in the military sometimes I think that people take it way beyond what is appropriate. Yes, our military protects our country, serves for our country often in combat, but also just as often not. What about the Dr.'s that save lives every day, what about the teachers who teach children every day, what about the police men who serve and protect every day, etc etc. It's one thing to be proud but to "flaunt" is another. IMHO of course.

I think I shall get a shirt that says, "I teach my child to be decent so that your skid can be an entitled circus freak"

stormabruin's picture

His kid serves because he chooses to serve. Not to save anyone else's kid from having to.

If his son hadn't gone in, they wouldn't be drafting anyone to take his place. There are plenty of people enlisting by their choice, just as he did.

You should get one that says, "Thank God for the US Military. They took my SS when no one else would".


DaizyDuke's picture

Thank God for the US Military. They took my SS when no one else would".

YES!!!!!! willow you MUST get your own T-shirt that says this!^^^^^ }:)

Aeron's picture

Yep. It's a volunteer military. The Humvee wasn't going to cart off the neighbor's kid if SS declined to join.

Patsy's picture

Get a shirt made that says "His son joined the military to get free room and board!" Oh that would make me sick if my DH wore something like that :sick:

kathc's picture

^^^I like this one!^^^^

Yeah, some of these kids get into the military because it's their only option. They toe the line JUST enough to not get tossed out. They never actually achieve anything.

Huge kudos to those who do go in for the right reasons and make something of themselves. Far too many kids don't, they just use it as a last resort and treat it that way.

Willow2010's picture

"Thank God for the US Military. They took my SS when no one else would".
LOL!! Priceless! I wish I could do that!


Things that will happen while SS is here for two weeks.

I will have to hide my diet cokes again.
I will have to make sure he is not bringing girls to my house in the middle of the night.
I will have to be wary that the little turd will bring BM into my house while I am not there.
I will get to listen to stories about BM all the time.
I will get to watch DH become a blithering idiot while SS is here.
I will get to see how SS will try to get BM and DH together to take pictures together.
I will get to listen to stories of how SS has to correct his superiors all the time since they are wrong.
I will get to listen to him talk about all the girls that are in love with him. GAG

lillfiredog's picture


Willow2010's picture

Lady...SS wear his uniform in public just so people will tell him how great he is and to thank him for his service. That is actually what he said. He loves the attention. It makes me sick.

Drac0's picture

I'm trying to look at the positive side of this. 1) Your SS is actually doing *something* with himself which is a lot more than a lot of us can say about our steps. (Please stick around, I may have to ask you how you guys actually managed to get SS out of the house! Smile ). 2) It's great that your DH is encouraging SS. Our military needs all the encouragement they can get, but I *think* there are ways to do this tactfully. That T-shirt just strikes me as - I dunno - "higher than thou" and is borderline insulting.

Willow2010's picture

I may have to ask you how you guys actually managed to get SS out of the house
Start now!! Make a pact with DW that NO kids can live with you after graduating HS unless they are in college full time and work at least 20 hours a week. Let SS know this NOW.

This is one of the main reasons that SS went into military. If we would have told him to just go get a job and he could live at home..he NEVER would have went into the service. EVER.

Drac0's picture

I did Sad

I even made a blog post about it. Somehow it got blown WAY out of proportion (which is par for the course for me). I stated quite clearly to DW that if SS goes the distance, and puts in the effort and ends up going to college (or trade school or the military), that I will gladly support him emotionally and financially. The way things are going now however, SS is in grave danger of flunking out of HS. If that happens, once he turns 18, he is gone! He gets a job, he finds an appartment, and he moves out. It's the same deal I will make with my two bios and is incidentaly the same deal my folks gave me.

DW is in complete disagreement with me, sooooo - *ahem* - for now, this topic is like the pink elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss.

stormabruin's picture

We went to a Greek Festival a few weekends ago & there was a kid standing next to the food line in his white uniform. People kept approaching him & shaking his doubt thanking him for his service.

I appreciate his service & all, but couldn't help but wonder why he would wear his military uniform to the Greek Festival, if not simply to draw praise.

For those familiar with military...could there be another possible reason?

bi's picture

i have a BPD ex who at 26 signed up for the army during a manic phase. he called me bawling every damn day (i have no idea how he managed to get to a phone every day) and whining about he had to get out of there. this was boot camp, not combat. he made it thru boot camp somehow, but after 2 weeks of AIT, he went to a superior and got himself discharged. he claims he made them think he was crazy. well, he IS crazy, so i don't think any acting was necessary. i'm sure they don't want some unstable asshole handling a weapon when he doesn't even want to be there.

this was 11 years ago. boot camp and 2 weeks of AIT, that is the extent of his military "service". that idiot is now 35 years old and STILL lists his occupation as "Field Medic in the US Army" even though he did not complete training, never saw a wounded soldier, never saw combat, NOTHING. he expects everyone to kiss his ass because in his words "I'm a fucking VETERAN!" makes me absolutely sick. oh, did i mention that along with being untreated BPD, he's also the biggest narcissist known to man? :sick:

NCMilGal's picture

I'm in the military, and I think the shirt is stupid.

DH and I make $150k+/year household income. Granted, we're senior NCOs with 35 years in service between us. But the point is, what other job out there will let you work up to a six-figure salary WITH no-cost health insurance AND a healthy pension that starts to pay out as early as age 38? With no degree? And will pay for your degree while you're in?

But it's always the jackasses who spout this crap. I unfriended my cousin for something similar on Facebook. He had posted something about "the military keeps you safe, so you're welcome!" The man joined the Marine Corps BAND in 1994, and was kicked out for unexplained fainting after a year. He had NO right to claim any sort of kudos for his time in.

So yeah, the T-shirt and the sentiment behind it is offensive.

doll faced sm's picture

I miss the army. Minus the plane jumping, it was the easiest job I ever had. LOADS of PAID time off. All the working out you care to do. Practically guaranteed success. Minimal thought process required. Twelve month long vacations to sun and sand Blum 3 (j/k).

Seriously, pretty much anyone who can keep their weight within guideline and pass a PT test can make it in the military.