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BM maybe nobody told you but you only get control of the guest list if you are thowing the party. Sheesh!

Yosemite's picture

Every year BM claims she is too poor to contribute to SS9s birthday party. Instead she just has a cake at home for family and we foot the bill for the party that his friends come to. This year, she had the nerve to tell me that the place SS9 wants to go only allows 10 kids, so I and my family will not be able to come. She will still expect me to come to her house for cake though.
Ummmm actually you have to pay the cost to be the boss, so it ain't up to you sugar. In fact we have already booked the party and will pay for however many guests SS9 invites, but even if there were only 10 spots, my kids would definitely be on the list. What a dumbass! Who does she think she is? BM better just be happy I am letting her come to the party, stupid bitch.


purpledaisies's picture

I would tell bm that thus is the party you and hus dad are throwing and she is not welcome unless she pays half. LOL seriously I'd tell her that unless she pays half she gets no say and she better shut up before she not allowed to go.

Jeez what is wrong with people like that?

And this is why I never ever recommended joint parties! Nor do we do it or will we ever! It gets way too nasty and bm thinks she can and should run the show.

Anne Boleyn's picture


Yosemite's picture

BM and FDH think it's important for SS9 to see that we can all get along, which I used to agree with when we could all get along. We used to be able to be civil. She came to our events, we went to hers. Then she broke up with her BF, decided she wanted FDH back and generally became a pain in the ass. We got into a screaming match and I did not speak to her or go to any event at which she would be present for roughly 9 mos, despite her apology and attempts to regain our former civility. She has mostly been behaving herself recently, except for a drama attack when we got engaged and a few minor annoyances like this one.
I did see her at my future inlaws 50th wedding anniversary and again at my FFIL's funeral. Both times things went okay, even though I only went because FDH refused to go if I didn't and I didn't want to add extra stress at a difficult time.
So I was not planning to go to her house for cake, although it seems she assumed I would. As for SS9's party, I would never tell him his mom can't come to his party, even if it means it will super suck for me.

ETA- Staying home is not an option because FDH will not have the party if BM will be there and I will not. He's funny like that. He will go to school things if I don't and BM will be, but nothing else.