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youngmama1b1g's picture

Ok am I the only one who gets superpeeved when SKs show up in illfitting or unsuitable clothing.
Last fall, we had a fiasco with shoes, SS was a size 10, and being put into size 8 shoes...and then size 9 shoes. Needless to say I bought SS 2 pairs of sneakers until I gave up. Also around this time, he was showing up wearing high waters. Hes got a real small waist so I understand that the 3Ts still fit, they just weren't long enough. It happened for about a month in a half until I said something to her- which she freaked out about to my H saying something along the lines of "thats your place to talk to me about not hers". He showed up one Thursday in just a jacket- granted it was 60 something, but the weather was supposed to go down to low 50 and storm over the weekend. Now recently, hes been showing up in someone elses underwear again. I've got a stockpile of size 6 and 8 underwears. When I told my H about it this wednesday when I noticed getting the kids in the bath- he called her and BMs excuse was the room used to have another boy in there and it must be his old stuff and that SS dressed himself. Am I the only one thinking after 2 years-you shouldve cleaned the drawers out? And that what a 4 yr old wears should be monitored by the parent?
I've started keeping track of the random shit that SS4 shows up in. Does anyone know if a custody hearing will take that stuff into account?


RaeRae's picture

Our BM does the same thing. Hand me down clothes (from her friends who feel sooo sorrrry for poor BM who lost custody of her kids) that are too small even for her kids (they are 7.. no longer in size 5t jeans). Since it's summer, I decided to cut these jeans into shorts and send the boys back in them.

DH doesn't like the idea of sending his kids back in cutoffs (hell, I grew up in AL... I was RAISED in cutoff jeans). I told him that before we were married, everything was up to him. I didn't like the fact that he filled her boyfriend's house with clothing for the kids by buying them new outfits every time BM kept their new things and sent them back in someone elses junk that was too small for his kids. But now, we are married, our finances matter to me, and I will not be filling up her house with new clothes, ever again. The jeans were too short for the boys (but she sent them to school in them anyway), but ok for their small waists (they have the elastic adjusters, so the waists are made big as it is), so they are going back to her in cutoff jeans. And old t-shirts.

I will NOT send the kids in clothing they actually like. Last summer, SS7#1's absolute favorite shorts were left at BM's, and she refused to give them back for him. They were cheap, ugly, but he loved them. I couldn't find another pair to purchase, as they had come with some cheap set of clothes, but I tried. It won't happen again.

Shaman29's picture

DH's kid shows up in dirty, ragged clothing. He buys her new things for school in August, at Christmas time and again in May/June for the summer. Uberskank never spends money on this kid any more. However, DH's kid mentioned this last weekend how her mom got a spray tan the other day.

That's great, acrylic nails, spray tan, drives a luxury vehicle. But her kid wears disgusting clothes and washes them at our house because Uberskank tells her there's not enough money to wash them at their place.

I hope a house falls on Uberskank.

k8tie's picture

My 7 SD's BM still dresses her in non-age appropriate clothes. Clothes meant for younger kids. SD is small for her age but she should still have to wear clothes for toddlers. Get this, the BM STILL has her wear onesies sometimes! She is 7 for gods sake! Granted they still fit her because of her size but she is 7!!!! Evedentally, my SD mistakenly packed them with her clothes to come back to our house and when I saw them in her bag I was like who's are these and she had NO problem telling me that its hers and that she sometimes wears them to bed! I still cant beleive it!


steppingitup's picture

Yup. The 2 SD's are almost always in mismatched, dirty, or (my fav) sluty clothes. We (and Dh's family) are always picking up shirts, socks, shoes, etc. Not to beat a dead horse BUT isn't that what CS is for?
BM doesn't care at all. She has no shame, because she gets all sorts of "poor you" attention from her low life friends.
It IS enjoyable, however, to bring the kids into school to say hi to the teachers and see them realize how different the kids look when they're with us.

AustMum's picture

My sd4 is always in clothes and shoes too small for her... As soon as we get her home she gets changed into our clothes that we have for her, and when she goes home she goes back in the clothes BM sent her in... It used to really really piss me off but now I'm like ...If she wants to dress her DD in shit clothing then that's her choice. But at our place she always dresses well

what-was-I-thinking's picture

OMG I totally gave up on 'providing' clothes for ss9. I used to get embarressed that he looked like a little hobo, NOT anymore!!!! I could care less. I make sure to let everyone know that he isnt my kid. I used to buy clothes for the kid, then after not seeing them come back from a trip to BM's house I kept them at our house. One day my DH got mad at me & packed up all skids clothes & sent them to BM. F@*K that!!! I absolutely REFUSE to by that kid another stitch of clothing. Isnt that what child support is for any way? The last time he was here he was sent random things that didnt match & crusty stinky sneakers that didnt even fit. OH WELL! Thats what he wore the entire time he was here.

Jsmom's picture

SS12 comes home in clothes that are way too small. As soon as I see it, he has to go change. DH sees it and has given up. He can wear what he wants at her house, but at ours, you will look decent.

Our problem, is I keep taking the stuff that is way too small and not letting him wear it again. So he leaves in the stuff we buy him that fits.

She never buys him clothes. At least it is just the one outfit, since we don't allow him to leave with anything except what he is wearing, because it will never be seen again.

hismineandours's picture

My ss takes every single item we buy him back to bm's. In the last year we have bought the kid at least 4 pairs of jeans, 3 shorts, 9 shirts-we see them when we buy them and never again. We buy him a toothbrush and he takes it to her house, a comb, a piece of freaking chewing gum-nothing left behind! is his motto. Of course when he comes down here-he doesnt wear the nice things we get him-he only wears nasty-crappy shit-things too small, with holes, stains, doesnt match-this used to spur dh on to feel sorry for him-poor pitiful ss-he doesnt have any nice clothes like he would if he lived here-so he goes and buys him more which of course are added to bm's supply-which she then passes on (which she may pass directly on) to her son who is 4 years younger than ss but about the same size. So we've spent years supplying clothes for both ss and his half brother. And we've paid cs.

I dont let dh buy clothes anymore. It has been since last August when the last clothes were purchased!! Yay!