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Im ready to give up...<H RANT>

youngmama1b1g's picture

Not on my stepson, but on his father. My darling husband.

I'm really at the end of my rope with him. When our relationship started, he told me, he wasn't sure what his rights and stuff were and considering my knowledge and my parent's wealth of information- he asked me to help him keep track of things.

I've already disengaged completely from trying to contact BM. We have a friendly relationship- not friends, but amacable. If I took the kids somewhere and got a cute pic of SS, I'd send it to her. She would typically thank me for it, tell me when she was on her way (she drops off to me on Thursday evenings because my husbands at work). Well after the school fall through (read previous post), we havent talked much-if at all. Which is great by me. This past drop off and pick up, she nearly missed me by literally ten minutes both times because she never called or texted me to say hey on my way and makes plans with my husband on when shes dropping off and picking up in this case, even though its to me. Little sense on both their parts. I've told my husband "I hope you stick up for me when she does miss me because its gonna happen, you dont know where I am while youre at work and I refuse to sit here all day waiting for her to show up whenever she feels like it." And if he doesnt and she cant text me, then he can figure drop offs and pick ups on his own with her.

Well, thats a little off topic, but today BM has SS5 call H while hes at work. When my husband is at work he can hardly remember half of whats going on and will just say yes to whatever request it is. So, what is SS saying? Thanks dad for taking me trick or treating or maybe cant wait to see you Thursday, love you. NOPE. He asks if he can stay at his moms until Friday? My husband relays that he could hear BM in the background saying "go ahead and ask him what you told me you wanted to ask him".
Considering SS doesn't know his days (literally doesnt even know the days of the week song on his own), I'm thinking my husband obviously flat out rejected SS by telling BM off. WRONG AGAIN. He said yes.
When he gets home I remind him that seems a little out of place considering its only Wednesday, and SS usually asks to stay on the day of, like if were at MIL's, hell ask to spend the night there. I also point out how SS doesnt know his days, so BM must've told him to ask or said something about what she was planning on doing this Friday-something. He agrees.
So I ask well, are you gonna call her on it? No response. 'Well, are you?' Then he jumps on my case to just leave him alone and how he doesnt care-blah blah blah.
ok fine.

So if he doesnt care, why should I?


youngmama1b1g's picture

To make this even better, last Friday SS didnt even stay with BM- but with my MIL (my Hs own mom overnight).

BM called and had my H agree to droppin off SS Friday this week too. Then he had the nerve to "tell me about it today saying 'youre home all day'" . uh sorry hubbie, im not home all day- i wanted to get some stuff done tomorrow, and I wouldnt mind taking SS along (considering I'll have BD anyways), but im not waiting around all day just for BM to decide when shes dropping off. I'm flying the coop tomorrow.