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Any advice for possible run ins?

Evil stepmonster's picture

So, DH and I have decided we are going to be moving across town. I've lived in the same place for pretty much my entire life and will have to uproot my kids to a new school after they've been in the same school with the same friends since PreK. Lots of things factor in to the move. DH's job is mostly there, BS9 has all his league practices, games, tournaments, meetings there, four to five times a week, and BS14 is applying to magnet school but even if he decides to stick with public it's a pretty school over there. There's less traffic, less crime, we would have more land for our now 4 dogs and it's a peaceful country life there where I can hava a vegtable garden with out having to pay for permits and have someone come check it once a month. It's also closer to the pick up areas of both sets of skids, but there lies the problem. It's really close to Inbred. I might have some run ins with her at stores or other places. Of course I plan on ignoring her as I usually do when ever she is around but she won't ignore me I'm afraid. How do you handle run ins with the BM when she's a drama queen and has to try to start trouble with you and your DH? I'm not asking for just in case, she will try to start some shit if she happens to see me out with out him which is how I like to do most of my shopping.

Jsmom's picture

Run into her once in awhile. It helps if you know what kind of car she drives. I generally make sure it is also not in the parking lot. Also, I stopped grocery shopping, DH does it all. Helps to just learn to leave. I have done it at Gas stations and at the grocery store.

twoviewpoints's picture

She wouldn't bother me even if she were to chase me down the aisle snipping her yap. In the event she physically threatens or actually touches you? Yeah, 9-1-1. One really can't have a 'run-in' of any amount of importance if one refuses to engage. Who cares what she baits you with? She's the one standing there looking the fool harassing the nice quiet lady just trying to buy her groceries or select her new shirt.

Most stores these days have security cameras anyway. Chances are she bothers you, it's caught on tape. If you're going to move to her side of town you're going to have to chance occasionally running into her. You can plan your shopping around times you know BM is not going to be there (6am in the morning) , keep driving if you spot her vehicle, blah blah blah. But is that really how you want to live your daily life? Being scared of and hiding from BM? don't give her that kind of power. Keep walking and ignore her.