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Anyone else think the abbreviations "BM" and "skid" sound derogatory since they sound like two forms of poop?

sandy1234's picture


as in:

"Bowl Movement"

"Skid" mark

Just thought I'd share

lostinbrazil's picture

LOLOLOLOLOL!!! I TOTALLY agree on the BM one and thats exactly why I have LOVED it from the first time I saw it! }:) Biggrin

I didnt think of skid but thats pretty funny too!

sandy1234's picture

I know me too! I was like, "No way even typing BM instead of her name feels like sweet suddle revenge" }:) I sometimes call her that in real life(by accident since I love it so much-well, that and DH and I wrinkle our noses at the sound of her skank name)

Starla's picture

That is wrong but too funny!!! Yes I have thought of bowel movement with BM only they both are a piece of s*** no matter how I think of them.....go figure!!!

Skid- s*** streaks are different cause I can wash my s*** streaks away unlike the kids. Just saying.... }:)

sandy1234's picture

No problem! From now on, when either BM or Skid is being (insert adjective of choice here), just think reeeaaaallllllly hard, "What ever Bowel Movement" or "Whatever floats your shit skid mark."

jumanji's picture

I figure that if that's the best my kids' stepMom can come up with? Then she needs help being creative. Wink

sandy1234's picture

It's better to associate a common abbreviation with defecation, which may be childish, than to actually ACT like a child who just happened to pop out one of her own and then continue to act in ways that make the nickname(and worse) well deserved. I guess you could say it's a PG version of what we all wish we could/would say.

MissyMay's picture

My SKs (skids) stepmom (me) can come up with WAYYYY worse, but in the spirit of "do unto others, blah blah blah" I try to keep that to myself.

I think the association was there the first time I read it, but I probably just assumed the abbreviations are the same for some cosmic reason. Blum 3

sandy1234's picture

lol good response. Just someone trying to say something. Internet, go figure.

HarleyQuinn's picture

HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!! I really needed this, this morning! Skids (ha ha)are staying over tonight straight from work and being dropped off by BM ( :sick: ). I hate tuesdays, especially as eldest kid is developing into mini wife, very sklowly but I'm seeing the signs! Can I be bothered to deal with it all NO!
But will keep skid and BM in mind, the funnier versions that is!!
Thanks for the giggles fellow steptalkers x

sandy1234's picture

Biggrin Blum 3 Biggrin Blum 3 Lmfao

dledden's picture

my skids BM is a bowel movement on society at large between her heroin and trips to the methadone clinic and SKIDMARK, well, he does exactly that in his underpants almost daily. and he's 9!!! so I find both terms appropriate. What I hate is DH for darling husband. I love my husband of course but he's more of a LH for lazy husband, for not dealing with skids issues long before I got involved!

sandy1234's picture

Blum 3 haha! I would post a blog announcing that as your new abbreviation for him and just inform those who ask what it stands for in the future. I've seen personalized abbreviations on here.

Everything about your comment made me laugh out loud