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anyone ever hear of this? or is she truly evil with evil beings protecting her?

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

exbf found used needle in sd's room, she said she injected Mollies in her arm with it....he called police who said that he cannot arrest her but can simply dispose the needle for him....PO said she doesnt know what sd has to do to get arrested....


RedWingsFan's picture

WOW scary! How old is SD? Minor? I'd look up laws regarding illegal substances in your state. I can't answer this at all, but am amazed at the situation. Wow.


texstep's picture

injecting ecstacy is extremely damgerous--since it comes in a powder or pill form, particles can get stuck and block bloodflow, cause a stroke etc...

That is some serious drug behavior IMO......... :O

IAmALady77's picture

From my electronic music days: molly or MDMA is supposedly the purest form of ecstacy. EXTREMELY dangerous. Its the new designer drug of our youth besides "bath salts". It is NOT actually pure though. It is x laced with anything...cocaine as the main one. Your SD is a moron and you need to get her admitted immediately. SHE COULD DIE. As in if she just does it once more, she could die.

Orange County Ca's picture

Ecstasy in its purest form. Hard core. This girl needs re-hab now. If for some reason rehab can't be arranged for (money and no government programs) I'd abandon the kid at the police station after telling the desk sergent what is happening and why.

Ex bf will probably be charged with abandonment but it would be difficult to prove considering where he "abandoned" her. Let Child Protective Services deal with it as they have more resources. Don't call CPS as they'll sidestep it if they can (not enough resources) just dump her off at the police station.