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A bit of relief

hbell0428's picture

SD13 is getting picked up by her BM tonight and not returning until Sunday evening. This is the first time BM has spent a full weekend with SD in MONTHS!!! and I am not kidding. I feel a sense of aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh - just simple alone time with my 3 and a peace of mind that I don't have to be on the defense and maybe my DH and I will not fight this weekend....No kids running in and out no 3-5 girls spending the night this weekend..... Is it me or does anyone else feel this way. Not to be mean; but it is the simple things that I look forward to - MY HOUSE

** Are there things that you all look forward to like this??

Jsmom's picture

I enjoy the Monday evening after they have gone back to their mom. I love my SS, but it is nice not to have to worry about what I say or do. He seems to tell BM everything and it is never the positive stuff.

secondplace's picture

Yea hbell....I'm so happy for you.

My smile just gets wider as we're approaching the skid's mom's house on Sunday evening EOWE. I usually start the countdown mid afternoon on Sunday - just 5 more hours, just 4 more hours, you get the picture.

completely lost's picture

I think all of us steps feel that way. It is always nice to get your house back - even if only for a couple of days! I count down the hours until my sanity returns. I used to feel guilty about it but now feel it is actually a reward for me and my patience.