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BM and her "husband"

Cookieboom's picture

BM calls BF her "husband"  No, b**##, you're divorced remember? Remember you left him for a married man????  She even said it in court recently ("I tried to talk to my husband but he wouldn't listen.")

BTW they were divorced four years before I began dating him...anyone else notice this?

Thumper's picture

LOL that's  funny !!! Gotta sound like she is a married woman in the courts eye, shows stability Smile

I know a BM who reports on official documents she is not married, when she IS married. Yeppers, she has been doing that for years, and years. 

She likes to play the single mom role,  It mussssst benefit her one way or another (EYEBALL ROLL)

For entertainment reasons, your lawyer could ask, Mrs. crackpot, tell me, when did you and mr. crackpot become LEGALLY married? How are the children adjusting?

Works like a charm in court.  

'uhhhh, ummmm well we are NOT legally married yet ...ummm because of covid. 

Ugh I cant stand a liar, i hope she is caught in her lies too. 



Beenall3kindsofmom's picture

My DH's ex still claims that all three of her boys are my DH's sons! Still calls about "our three". No, b/:?h, number 3 was a one night who didn't even remember you! My DH helped number 3 sign up for genealogy site to find his real dad. So the crazy never ends......even when the skids are grown men  

lieutenant_dad's picture


I've never heard BM say it, but it wouldn't surprise me if she thought it. Between XH#2 and XH#3, she changed her last name back to DH's. Made zero sense to me since she was Mrs. DH for only about 6 years, then was Mrs. XH#2 for a decade. She said she went back to DH's last name "for the kids" only to get remarried a year later to someone she had been dating for less than 6 weeks and change her name (and now they're getting divorced). If she changes her name again back to DH's last name, I'll know it has nothing to do with the kids and everything to do with where she sees herself.

Additionally, GBM plays into a similar illusion about BM's dad, who was her XH. BM's dad left GBM and divorced her more than a decade before he died. GBM, though, calls herself a widow. Based on what DH has said, they were divorced almost as long as they were married.

CLove's picture

thinks that she and dH will still "end up together". 

Stepdrama2020's picture


Maybe end up  in a ditch together after Clove loses it watching DH fix BM's car  Wink

Disclaimer. Meant to be funny not violent.

TT is such a riot .  Smile

CLove's picture

That  WAS super funny Biggrin

Cookieboom's picture

HA!!! So funny!  Yes, court has reconvened.  The GAL is supposed to testify this week, this should be interesting.....