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BM asked FDH to say good bye to her dying grandfather and more PAS'ing's picture

So FDH hasn't seen HER grandfather or father (not sure who it is actually) since before they got divorced- 7 years ago. He is now dying and receiving hospice care ( I'm not being rude but they've been counting him dead for 2 years now) seems like he really is dying this time ? Anyway, BM called FDH and told him he can go say good bye to him if he wants- FDH said he would...............and expected me to go with him.


I said it seems kinda weird to me you have had NO contact with him and now he's on his death bed you are gonna go to his EX MIL's house to say good bye- I said You do what you feel you need to do because when he is gone he's gone and I don't want you to feel guilty and have regrets HOWEVER I will NOT be going with you. I have never met him before, I do NOT want to be in BM's mothers home, I would feel extremely awkward and thats not a situation I'm putting myself in but if you want to go- do it.

He won't go bc I'm not going with him..........He wants to use me as a buffer bc it's always awkward around BM and her family and he won't admit it!!! I told him that he can't put that on me and it's his choice.............I know he's gonna regret it but I think its kinda bullshit after all these years........

What do you think?


Since SD16 isn't suicidal at the moment, FDH hasn't been going to all of her therapy appt's since he's been really busy at work and BM makes the appt's on HER days off in the middle of the work day- FDH explained that he wants to go therapy alone with SD16 and eventually bring me in and there's no reason him and BM need to be with SD16 together in therapy. They are not a family and can work on their issues with SD16 seperate. SD16 goes back and tells BM that I may go to her therapy one day at FDH's request. She call's FDH and rips him a new one that Thats HER daughter and she WILL be at EVERY therapy appt from here on out.....

Works out bc I didn't want to go anyway, SD16 doesn't want me there it's just FDH's way of trying to make things better which I respect but way to encourage positive relationships in your daughter life BM. FDH won't come to terms with the fact that until sd16 accepts me there will be no relationship...............'s picture

*it is her grandfather- and FDH just informed me he is not going to say good bye but is going to the funeral and wants me to go.......... :? I'm seriously not trying to be selfish or immature here but I don't feel like I "belong" there wtf- I don't want to go and FDH just confirmed me theory and said he doesn't wan to sit by himself..............FML

princessmofo's picture

I agree. It's not your place to go or your choice to make. I would not let him "guilt" me into anything. Stick to your guns. He need's to "man the frig up".'s picture

This is what I think! He is planning on going to the funeral and it kinda bugs me. He said it's out of respect- respect for who???? And he did the whole I'm his spouse and I should be there to support him thing.................

I'm super frustrated and as much as I don't want him to guilt me into going he's making me feel confused about the whole situation :?

Trinka's picture

if FDH is going to the funeral to support his child that is fine. but you shouldnt have to go unless the kid wants you there for support.'s picture

He said he's going bc the guy was a grandfather figure to him.....I asked then why has it been so long since he's seen and talked to him if they were that close? ???

I think AnaR is righton. He wants to "look" like a great guy and his kids will talk shit to him if he doesn't go. He doesn't want to look bad. After I brought up my points he's hanging his head. He feels "stuck in the middle" I told him to go if he wants to- I don't agree with him going. His kids care less they don't need him there for support they have his ex and her whole family.
Easy for me to judge I know but none of the kids have spent time with him, helped their gma by helping with his cares bc they are all too selfish but are being super dramatic bc "he's about to die...again