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BM quit job, wants child support, er, ss back...

BellaMia's picture

Disclaimer: This is a bitch session.

So the trifling bm of my SS11 just informed my dh that she quit her job because she "was tired of it." :? DH and I sighed, shook our heads and let out a collective, "Oh well..."

A little background: BM didn't tell my DH about SS until about 6 years ago. She had convinced some other poor sap that he was the child's father. It was only when they broke up and she sued him for child support that a DNA test was require and... You are NOT the father! I guess bm cracked open her black book and eventually settled on my husband. The rest is history... Fast forward and BM is married with a toddler. DH and I have had ss11 since last summer. It was very apparent that bm doesn't know her a**hole from her elbow when it comes to parenting, academics, etc... SS was unable to do multiplication, he was already held back and repeated first grade, and he is still on about a third or fourth grade reading level. His vocabulary is not what it should be and his ability to comprehend, recall, think ahead, etc... are all not where one would anticipate. I'm at the point where I don't know if it is a matter of nature, nurture of a combination of both. It's so bad that I don't know if it's just a lack of parenting during his formative years before he came into our lives or if there is something deeper (Autism, Asperger's, etc...). He has improved dramatically since he's been in our home. He is doing better in all of his classes, and we are slowly but surely getting him in better shape with his social skills and helping around the house. (He is THEE laziest child I've ever met... Another result of bm never making him do anything because, hell, she never does anything... e.g. cleaning, studying, parent teacher conferences, etc...). She pays NOTHING in child support and in the last 8 months all she has done was send him $50 worth of clothes. Her visitation with him is open yet she does it when she feels like it, sometimes even telling him she'll get him, then changing her mind at the last minute. SS says that her home is filthy (she told him it was "gnat season" and that's why swarms of them are all over, she's had mice, roaches, etc...) and he said he doesn't feel comfortable eating or sleeping there.

Fast forward to today and now (since she quit her job) she suddenly wants ss to move back in with her. She has run down a list of all the reasons why he should live with her. Oddly enough, she NEVER says "because it would be best for him..." It's obvious that the only reason she wants him back is for CHILD SUPPORT. She's money grubbing and so pissed off that her financial situation is not where she THINKS ours is. She's nuts if she thinks we'll change the court order willingly, and I don't think she has the balls to take us to court. And oddly enough, ss knows better. When DH asked him how long he wanted to stay with her this upcoming summer, he said, "Um... like maybe a week." :jawdrop: And this from a child she thinks should live with her again...

Why are some BM's so fuggin' selfish!?!? Burns my azz...