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PolyMom's picture

So tensions are easing since we dropped court and couldn't afford to continue. BM is settling back into her PAS POS self. So SS8 has basketball every Saturday morning. BM agreed to bring him, and DH meets with him there. He offered to take him on BM's mornings, if she was too lazy to get up. So, yesterday, he calls to remind him, and she says she's taking him. 6:30 this morning the phone rings, and he's got to go pick him up and bring him. So he says okay, and off he goes. Meanwhile (I'm still sleeping) the phone rings again, and she has to make sure to tell DH not to feed SS any candy or soda at basketball practice. Are you effing serious? How obnoxious. Like DH would do that. DH said he's annoyed because it's back to the way of her pushing him in a corner, making false assumptions and accusations about him with the kids...and he really wanted to tell her he'll do whatever he damn well pleases.

I told him he did the right thing by saying "Okay" and leaving it at that. Let her think she can talk to you that way, and she stays calm. What a freak she is.

sixteensmom's picture

My advice, fwiw -- the longer this goes on, him bailing her out every time she's too lazy etc, the longer the kids think that's how it's supposed to be. maybe they think that's the deal or the order.

If he tells her no, bm you'll have to take him, she'll do it. or skid wont go and will be PISSED at bm about it.

We eventually had to STOP all bailing out of bm and letting her fail. letting the kids get disappointed in their bm and sometimes get hurt. I hated it, drove me insane. but what a great lesson every kid, every person, should learn. sometimes you can't count on the people you ought to be able to. sometimes they're not honest with you. our kids finally started to see the truth about their bm and didn't take us for granted as much... that was years ago. since that time, they've completely flipped on us and we haven't seen or spoken to any of them in a year. BUT someday they'll come around again and we will be certain we have always been honest and above board along the way.

PolyMom's picture

I can see why you'd think that would work...except when she agrees to let them do things, and then becomes too lazy to bring them herself, she covers her own a$$ by making sure the kids are convinced they didn't want to do it to begin with. SS11 has dropped out of advanced math, stopped band lessons, and has no desire to participate in any extras that involve BM having to transport him anywhere. This is partly why we went to court to begin with. The kids have no chance at a normal existence while we let this go on. They already know what their mother is all about. And I'm sure they'll be living with us full time before they graduate HS, they just have to reach a point where they are sick of her crap. Bailing her out isn't going to do that. It's going to be listening to her ramble on about her crazy ideas about the way things are, that have no basis in reality. For example, she tried to convince them she should homeschool them. Now her latest rantings revolve around her packing up and moving far away and building an "earth house" they can all live in together. Both skids think she's kindof nuts.

StayingDisengaged's picture

The less contact you have with this manipulative control freak, the happier you'll be. She has no business lecturing either one of you on how to parent. That's not her job. Her job is to get her ass out of bed and take her kid to his activities as agreed.

Sixteensmom is right. Sometimes you really can't count on the people you're supposed to be able to count on. You and DH need to do your share 100% of the time, and let BM do hers. Eventually, and it will take years, kids figure out who they can rely on (ours are 16 and 19 and are just now realizing). Until then, bite your tongue and let that freakshow talk to your voicemail.

PolyMom's picture

I totally agree. I think she is the lowest form of human being I've ever experienced my entire life....and that includes my exh leaving me in the hospital after giving birth to our son, so he could stay with his paramour at my house in my bed for the 3 days I was away.

To me, there is no greater sin a parent can commit than trying to turn your children against their other parent.

twoviewpoints's picture

What SO/you about the taking the child to the ball practice is a decision SO/you will have to decide. As to the ridiculous extra instructions though about what to feed/not feed how to treat them while under Dad's care? Your SO handled it in the way he felt best. Not to feed into her crazy and the controlling 'how to parent' crap. Me? I'd likely not give her the satisfaction of the 'ok' response. I'd have just ignored it.

Perhaps though SO knows that in just ignoring BM's silly additional instructions and not bothering to saying 'ok' would set off more BM crazy. She's an annoying little harp for sure. The temptation to text back I'll only allow kiddo three bags of candy, two bags of chips and let him wash it down with just two bottles of soda, I promise' has to be strong. Would serve her right for being an a$$ but it would definitely set-off the crazy and she'd likely not let the kiddo out the front door when he got there to SS up. SO's looking at this as the 'ok' is less a hassle than entertaining BM's tirade. Of course your SO knows how to parent his own kid. Of course he doesn't need controlling stupid reminders. But he's thinking 'humor' her and the issue of BM ramping up the crap will cease. We all have to decide how best to deal with crazy. Seems his 'ok' is harmless enough in his opinion. SO obviously found it silly to have to do as he did tell you what he'd have preferred answering with.

Now SO/you have to come to some agreement as to how he's going to handle the BM and her refusal to take the child to practices as BM promised. Does So do it all or let the kiddo miss when BM fails. That's not going to be an easy of decision as just texting back 'ok' was. Opposite parents and their crazy and lies along with broken promises can be such a PIA. Good luck with whatever you and SO decide.

PolyMom's picture

Thanks!! I love your would-be response to her. It's like "excuse me? Who the hell is covering for YOU, because YOU refuse to be a responsible parent, and you have the nerve to tell HIM how to parent?" But, I know in her demented way of thinking, she sees DH taking SS8 to basketball as her bestowing a great gift to him of spending more time with SS8. She looks at it as a sacrifice on her part. Much like the entire summer I babysat both skids so she could work. It was her being nice to me. Like I said, freak show.

She is a high conflict person, who needs to be dealt with sparingly, and very gently. That's why I love this website, because while we just sort-of take it and smile we can RAAAARRRRRRRRR in these forums. Such a blessing Smile

Love to you all!

PolyMom's picture

You are also correct. BM would totally instigate a fight with DH, just to not allow him to pick up SS for practice, only to further alienate SS from DH, blaming DH for not taking him.

PolyMom's picture

He has taken it away. He's allowing her to think she's in control, when he knows very well that she's totally crazy, and the only way to keeping her from flying off the handle is to make her believe he buys into her crap. This only works, because skids are starting to make references to her as crazy, and say things like "maybe I just won't tell mom." While DH does his best to encourage skids to not lie to mom, they are learning that it's just easier to let her think she's getting her way. Let's face it, if he chose to get SS8 candy and soda just to spite the call, SS8 understands that's something he isn't going to share with her. It's unfortunate, but it's something she's created herself. There's not a whole lot we can do about her being mentally ill and refusing treatment, except help the kids learn to cope with it.

PolyMom's picture

Impossible. Then there would be no communication at all. She's already cut off all email and texting. Home phones at her leisure, mostly because she knows it's the most difficult to record.

PolyMom's picture

Okay. This is for everyone. I know you are trying to be helpful, and it's difficult without knowing the full story. The full story is actually so long and involved that our lawyer could not even present every last bit of evidence we supplied him with over the past 3 years. So, let me summarize a little bit for you.

BM most likely suffers a plethora of personality and emotional disorders and is most likely extremely mentally ill. (This is according to a family therapist who has interacted with her)

BM cheated on DH, left him alone with 2 SS's at 1 and 4, not to mention an additional 3 foster children who all had to be at school. DH was taking care of 5 children, and she would leave for days at a time, with no indication of when/if she would return. She would get drunk/drugged and have sex with random people in bathrooms of bars. He/her mother and sister had to often go driving around the city to find her and "rescue" her. She claims she did all of this so he would divorce her, because he was so abusive to her (a side of him that after 5 years, I still have not seen). Earlier in their marriage she had gone to rehab for heroin addiction, but left early after only a few weeks.

When they split, he had the house and full custody of his children. She had them occasionally Wednesday nights, EOWE and often pawned them off on him. She was supposed to have them from 7:30-5:30, but was often too hung over, so DH's mother would take care of them during the day while he was at work. She was shacked up with one of the guys she cheated on DH with...a guy she dated from middle school, who never left the picture of her life, was always hanging around. She is now married to this guy, and has another baby with him. He also has a son with another woman, who they have many problems with as well.

Enter me to picture. DH and BM are amicable, with DH having full custody, and grandma watching kids still. Kids meet me after DH and I decide to become serious, and BM decided she wants full custody of the kids. DH, trying to be nice with her agrees to 50/50, no more. He allows the skids to switch schools to her school as it's in the same district, but closer to his house anyway. Settlement agreement says they will go to the district of father's residence. Since they aren't switching districts, this doesn't violate the agreement. We bought a house in a neighboring district, in a MUCH nicer school district. She refuses to allow them to transfer, despite her plans to move to a really bad district (which she has since done). We eventually end up in court, because he tries to enforce the Settlement agreement, which states 7:30-5:30 for her, and she refuses to let them out of the house in the evenings, and refuses to let DH put them in our district. The judge places them in our district, and all hell breaks loose.

BM's criminal activities because she didn't get her way: (Keep in mind BM is a master manipulator. She's young and attractive. She looks like she constantly feels sorry for herself, is very petite and is a low-talker. So, it's easy for people to buy into her pathetic "poor me" routine.)

After being married a second time, and changing her name legally went to DH's bank, an account that used to be joint, that she hadn't contributed to for 3 years and withdrew thousands of dollars, emptying the account, under HIS last name. Police and courts did nothing.
Forcibly entered our new home. Assaulted DH and me, in front of the children. I had bruises for 2 weeks as she takes martial arts. She was trying to remove the children from our care when it was not her parenting time. Police threatened to arrest us as well if we insisted on pressing charges, because she told them we assaulted her.
Has sent 30+ pages of harassing text messages to DH.
Has harassed DH at pickups, all video recorded.
Has harassed DH over the phone and on voicemail, accused DH of molesting the children again, all recorded.
Has subjected skids to severe alienation, screaming at children when upset with DH, telling them things like "Daddy's a liar, daddy stole my money, SM is evil" She forced skids to call SF "dad" and DH by his first name while at her house, and refused to allow Skids to EVER speak to DH while in her care, resulting in both children requiring a family therapist.
Has told SS11 he suffers an autism spectrum disorder, has taken him on multiple appointments, claiming his SF is his father, and leaving DH completely out of the loop.
Allegedly choked SS8, and CPS had to be called, and they saw no fear in the children of BM.
Changed her cell phone number, and email address, so DH can only communicate with her via home phone at HER discretion. She refuses to answer the phone when he calls, so he has stopped trying. (Luckily she allowed SS11 a cell phone, so it is easier for him to communicate with the boys now)

What have we done? We have spent over $15,000 in legal fees. We have recorded and documented absolutely everything. We were in court for full custody. Everything was pointing in our direction, including having the support of the family therapist, who met with BM, and sees the horror that we have lived with.

The court's response? Force BM, DH and skids to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. This quack charged $1700 to meet with DH, BM and skids a total of 2 days, 6 hours. She observed DH with skids after he had to take them out of BM's care, and BM was clearly pissed about it. She observed BM with skids while she had them on summer vacation, 2 full weeks of complete indoctrination and NO access to DH. She indicated that BM was the perfect mother, and DH just "seemed to be trying too hard to be good." Essentially, no one could possibly be as nice as he is. Basically, we're f***ed. Our lawyer said we need some time in between this, while he can easily dismantle it because this evaluator used nothing more than interviews of the family, and consulted NO ONE, teachers, school personnel or family therapist to verify anything in her report. To add insult to injury, the skids law guardian said they're happy living in both homes.

Not to mention.... DH was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis last April. Stress makes his condition worse. I've had to go on anti-anxieties because of all this. The children were in a terrible state the whole time, because BM made damn well sure they were aware that we had her in court. BM's husband even confronted me in the court room, with the judge present asking ME how I sleep at night!!!

Essentially, we've made the decision that putting up with her shit is better than undergoing more years of hell. This is the first time in 3 years, I've felt like I was able to breathe again. And while I do feel the need to vent her bullshit, I understand, that's as far as it will ever be able to go. There's very little we can do. We're just biding our time until the skids (if they do this) decide they don't want to live with her anymore. The only way we will ever bring her to court again is if it is a MAJOR problem, and the kids do not want to live with her, little of their lives being in immediate danger. It sucks. We hate it. But there's really nothing we can do. We're burnt out by her crazy.

Basically, we've made the decision, that putting up with little annoyances is less stressful, and less expensive. It's going to take us years to pay off our legal debts that got us no where.

PolyMom's picture

I do appreciate the advice. We have asked to make communications only via text/email. Our lawyer has been standoffish about it, because DH has the ability to record all of her phone calls, and getting that also added to the CO will cost thousands of dollars. But what I will do is talk to DH about a couple rules. 1) Any calls from her phone go directly to voicemail, which is recorded and transcribed online, and he can get back to her via email (not his problem if she has him blocked, he has it recorded that he sent the email) and they have a written communications folder that stays in the backpack for school papers and things. It kind-of forces her to stay on her best behavior if it's in the backpack, not that I'm thrilled about it being in the kid's possession at all, but at least we know it's going between the parents.

Thank you for the advice. I really do appreciate it. Failing to set up these boundaries is probably why I'm still losing sleep over all this crap.

PolyMom's picture

Okay. Question. DH called and offered to take SS8 to basketball the night before. DH is one of the assistant coaches and is there anyway, so he didn't see a problem with picking SS8 up. Because BM said the night before that she would handle it, and then changed her mind, should DH have just ignored the call, and gone to basketball without SS8? We got into this last year, and SS8 only went on DH's mornings, and at the end of the season said he had no interest in playing team sports. DH is very interested in seeing SS8 continue basketball, as it's a really strong bond for them, and SS8 is really good at it and loves it.

PolyMom's picture

It's really difficult for me to relate, because Exh and I do not behave this way. The kids have activities on the weekend, and he brings them his days, I bring them mine, no questions asked. When I play the "what would I do" game when it comes to DH and BM, it gets tricky, because Exh actually cares about the long-term with our kids, and I would never tolerate any of this garbage....but, I also have full custody, so I'm in a better position to call the shots.