Clothes Battle
Does anyone else have clothes battles/meltdowns with young skids? Bf's 4 y/o dd is with us every weekend. She has plenty of clothes at our house, in her size, some of which she picked out, but has complete meltdowns over not having anything to wear that she likes. Prefers to wear clothes that she came in from bm's that are often times too small or from garage sales. I don't remember caring much about what I was wearing as a 4 y/o. Isn't this pre-teen/teenage behavior? Why is it happening already? Oh lawd, the drama.
Toss the items that are too
Toss the items that are too small and embrace the garage sale items. The fact that she is happy with inexpensive things is a plus.
I should have clarified that
I should have clarified that the clothes that are too small come with her from bm's house and she wants to re-wear them at our house. That's when the meltdowns ensue. When we ask her to pick out something different that we have. The clothes at our house are her size. The letting her pick between a couple of different outfits is a good idea. I'll urge bf to begin doing such.
I've had my SD who is now 8
I've had my SD who is now 8 come over in clothes that she was growing out of and we would have to tell her those are too small or ask why don't you have shorts under that shirt? We at that point just starting sending home something of ours back that she was going to outgrow soon. Trying to hint that what she had on was terrible and we didn't want her wearing things like that. I would give her a few choices of what to wear at your house then if she didn't make a decision in 5 mins or less you would pick it.
SD used to do this ALL the
SD used to do this ALL the time when she was 4. It was simply a control issue. She wanted to control what she wore and finally we just gave up and let her wear what she wanted. It as always "comfy" clothes that didn't match and BM always dressed her in garage sale/Goodwill clothes or her brothers old clothes. It was hard to take her in public looking like that. But we did nothing after a while thinking it was just control issues. Well here we are 5 years later with the SAME issues. I would suggest you nip it in the butt now, wish DH would have because we still have issues to this day...