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Couldn't Resist- BM Pics!!!

MamaBass's picture

Here's our BM. Not sure why you'd put a shot of you and your man in bed??? And with such a creepy face??? Other one is a nice full body of her trying to dress "bohemian" all of a sudden became a hippie like her BF. Hard to find pics of her on FB. Most were of her cats! What a freak....

WTF...REALLY's picture


Rags's picture

Can't view the bed pic and the barefoot in the rain pic does not look too bad. I would not immediately classify her as a toxic BM from the pic. Too many teeth, no RBF grimace.

My Skid's bio dad is a nice youthful looking guy but .... he is still a useless waste of skin whose two eldest of four out of wedlock spawn by three different baby mamas detest the man.

A pleasant look is the best camo for evil people. Be careful. Wink Dirol