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court again

starfish1012's picture


so wednesday we go to court again, this time to discuss implementing the Indiana State Parenting Guidelines...

...another morning i wish i was too drunk to care.

does anyone here deal with a used-to-be-abusive non-custodial parent who continues to get more unsupervised time with the child?

i feel like the court just chooses to forgive and forget that CPS removed the child because of abuse, neglect, and endangerment...

i guess my big issue is coping. i know that things will continue to go this way pretty much indefinitely and i know there's nothing my wonderful DH can do about it, but how does one cope with all the hate and rage? i've never felt this much animosity for someone in my life and now i have to look it in the face constantly. so again i ask:

how do you cope?

stronggirl's picture

kickboxing....i know you need a serious answer but I do not have one for you....everytime my DH sees something that BM has done (illegal stuff and mean stuff) he is always hoping, ok this time I am not crazy, this time someone else will see that she is not a good person or parent and I might get to be in this childs life more. But it never happends and my DH always walks away defeated thinking he was wrong again....but the next time he is there with his held held high fighting again for the child.....You have to keep up the fight, you have to fight everyday, because that is what you do when you are a parent. and if you walk away this time defeated....come back here and we will pump you up for your next fight....that is My answer and that is what we do