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DH spent almost $900.00 on SS13 birthday!!!!!

windee's picture

I am so irritated right now b/c of this! We do NOT have this money! He got EVERYTHING he wanted and even more! I am so pissed! $900.00 and possibly $1,000.00!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY!!!!! :jawdrop:

Willow2010's picture

You are joking!!!! OMG..,.what on earth did he get? Do you have joint monies?

frustratedstepdad's picture

Wow that is just freaking ridiculous. I would be SUPER pissed!!! :jawdrop:

Kes's picture

The year before last, when it was SD's 13th birthday, BM bought her a £500 camera. Of course the money came out of what DH gives her - so from him really. I thought it was obscene and didn't give her a b'day present at all.

Elizabeth's picture

Wow. And here my DH is complaining because BD8 asked for a birthday party at a local kids' venue and it cost us (including cake, food, and goody bags) just over $100. He is never going to let her forget that, despite the fact that her parties before have always just been backyard things and cost $0. Her present from us was only $30, and she was happy as a clam.

DH always went totally overboard for SD18's birthday as well, which makes me really pissed when he complains about this one. SD had all her birthdays at venues, paid for by DH and BM. One year the goody bags alone cost $35 (he took her to the store and let her pick out whatever she wanted).

I feel your frustration!

novemberm's picture

Wow, that is crazy! I hope your DH does not spend that next year, and if he does not, he may get a lot of nastiness from your SS, who may be expecting another lavish birthday.

A few Christmases ago, my boyfriend spent over 2500 on his kids, who were 15, 16, and 19 at the time. He had never spent that kind of money before-it was from some kind of bonus at work. All of the items he bought have since been sold for a fraction of their cost. How sad-these were expensive electronics. He cannot spend that kind of money again, so his lovely children don't like their "little gifts" that he gives them now. He set a bad bad precedent by spending that kind of money.

One Life Once Chance's picture

Amen! I noticed that with each "fancy" gift, the request lists started getting larger and larger and then quite a bit of crappiness if he didn't get what he wanted.

Hell, when he turned 16 and was going through his drug charges - he had the nerve to ask for a car for his birthday Smile

novemberm's picture

I feel your pain. We have drug issues here, too, with the younger son. There have been multiple requests for cars,computers, gaming systems, etc. These are 3 young adults who NEVER say thank you, and do not even contact my boyfriend on his bday or at holidays. Now, they get 50 for each birthday and 100 each for Christmas. More than enough, but it will NEVER be enough for them. Nothing will.

One Life Once Chance's picture

My DH used to do this all the time. SS got arrested in Sept 2009, was still on probation at Christmas time for drugs.

Kid was so ill behaved, etc. We set a budget for Xmas and how much we would spend per person. DH went out and bought the little hethen an IPOD/IPHONE thingy, which was more than what our entire budget was. I told him to take it back because we didn't have that kind of money, hell - we weren't even buying eachother presents due to money issues. He refused and gave it to him anyway. He couldn't buy me, hiw own wife a gift, but the drug addict got this. No, I'm not still bitter am i?

Sweet revenge, found out back to drugs right after probation - daddy took it away. It now resides in my new Explorer so I don't have to carry CDs Smile

I hear so many people do this and it is sooooooooooooooooo not right. All they are doing is creating self entitled brats!

Auteur's picture

It's things like this that make me GLAD that all three have PASed out!

I remember the early years where GG would spend EVERY LAST FRIGGIN' CENT on them that wasn't sucked up by massive CS!!

Of course I paid ALL the bills and then some!

Still Have Hope's picture

I bet most of what he bought will be broken or missing in a year. $900 is a nice chuck that could be put away towards college. Seriously, is your DH a kid himself? Our budget for bios and skids is $75 a birthday and a meal out with family.

ladyfosho's picture

I would freak the f*#k out. Seriously. Our situation, she is still young so he doesn't have to spend much. But when she gets older, there will be a budget or heads will roll.

AVR1962's picture

WOW! Guilt? Inability to handle money? This is not going to help this child or teach him anything and I seriously doubt it will be appreciated. I would be upset too!

shielded2009's picture


I thought the same thing...I went back a couple of time cause I thought I missed

lostmymind26's picture

I dont think its so bad if you have the money. For my BD7 I spend that alone just in present last year. plus had a huge party . I think it just depends if you can afford it at the time.