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disengagement - visit #2

Calypso1977's picture

so SD13 is due at pickup in an hour. no idea if she will show and/or refuse to go and involve the cops again to document the contempt.

we have a gorgeous spring day here (55 degrees!) so ill be out taking a nice long walk enjoying the sun and extended daylight hours.

fiance taking me out to dinner AFTER he feeds SD pancakes or mac and cheese from a box (im not cooking for her anymore) and drops her off at 8. assuming she comes. if she doesnt come i still get my walk and dinner. win-win.

im diggin' this disengaging...

Calypso1977's picture

well SD came over today without police incident.

I trekked 5 miles and chipped away at my winter weight.

took a hot shower now im curled up in my cocoon.... heading out in an hour to pre-game at the bar before fiancé shows up.

the two of them are out in the living room scratching their heads. lol its kinda entertaining.

I used to make SD nice, homemade meals often asking her what she wanted. what a fool I was.

tonight she had pancakes that smelled somewhat burnt out the hallway. Those are one of the things she loves to eat with her hands. so glad I didn't have to watch!!!

Orange County Ca's picture

Hey pancakes in hand are fun as long as they're not syrup-ed or buttered. Just a giant soft cookie. Five miles? Nice.

What as the big ado that caused the cops to show?

Calypso1977's picture

she's been refusing visitation and her mother hasnt been making her go. per the BS "settlement" of 2 weeks ago all PU/DO is done at the police station now. police have been called 5 or 6 times now to document for purposes of contempt.

the other day her grandmother did drop off and SD refused to go with my fiance. grandma is not legal guardian and fiance was not going to give up his day to someone who wasnt a legal guardian. so he told the cops that he wasnt releasing the child to her grandmother. instead of grandma simply leaving thus forcing the child to go with her dad, she tried to get invovled. cops told her she had no rights and so they called BM who had to leave work to come get SD. what's really entertaining is grandma works for the PD. how embarrassing for her!!!

the only positive is that BM for probably the first time ever ripped into SD. teh cops also gave SD a good stern talking to and she practically crapped her pants. the kid ended up going with fiance, but they had to go back to BM's house first becuase the grandmother brought her to drop off in her pajamas. she's 13.

if it were me, i would have shamed the kid and made her spend the entire day in her PJ's.

Not the Brady Bunch's picture

What a waste of police time. Let her stay home? Those are my dream visitation days -- when SD17 stays home and we have the day "free" from and for whatever. What's with this nasty eating thing? Did all the same stuff with SD re meals, manners, etc. and now fully disengaged. Now I say either, "I'd like a gluten-free cheese pizza, please" or , "Honey what are you making for dinner tonight?" Lovin this disengagement thing.

Calypso1977's picture

oh i agree its absolutely ridiculous that hte police get involved. if BM would simply take control of her child this wouldnt happen. if that were my kid id be saying "there is a court order and you are getting in that car with your father becuase im not going to jail!" id drop her and drive away.

im enjoying disengagement, more than i thought i would. i did see SD for a few hours on saturday. i did speak to her but nothing more than idle chit chat. i have a dr. appt tomorrow afternoon so i wont have to see her. i feel more in control of my own life now, and i wasnt anywhere near as deeply engrossed as some of the ladies here. my fiance and i have been much happier as a couple too because im not so stressed out.