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Does Santa come to both houses?

Mary Louise's picture

I say no - he comes to the house where the kids wake up. At the most, leaves a few gifts at the "other" house just to be safe. I say he definitely does not come before Dec 25th.

Discussion has been completely nixed at our house - kids wake up at her house 25th. Fiance says Santa is coming "early" this year and that he will have delivered by Dec 24th am. I think this is so ridiculous - the kids are on the verge of figuring out Santa anyway - how is this going to make them "believe"???

Very frustrated. Usually fiance doesn't get so caught up in the 1 up game, but I guess he was just waiting til Christmas. The crazy thing is that the big gifts that he wants to get "credit " for are from us, not even from Santa. I can guarantee that the ex will not duplicate the stuff Santa is bringing to our house (she never buys anything educational or personal for them)

Does Santa come early at other people's houses? Does Santa come to both houses? Somebody give me some insight here....

Anne 8102's picture

Back when the skids were young enough to still believe and we lived close enough to get them around the holidays, Santa left them presents at our house on Christmas morning, as well as at their mother's. Never early, although we always allow each kid to open one gift from us on Christmas Eve. This is our 7th Christmas and we have only had the kids ONCE despite the fact that we're supposed to get them every other holiday. (Selfish bitch!) Most of the time, we would end up just packing up the presents and mailing them, because she'd never let us actually get the kids. After a few years of this, we gave up and started sending them gift cards and a couple of small presents. This year, it's just a small gift card. Hey, if they can't return their dad's calls or respond to my emails, then the amount they get is just going to keep shrinking until they get nothing but a box of air for Christmas. But to answer your question, the one time they woke up at our house, we made sure they had gifts from Santa and I know their mom did Santa for them, too. I say no to gifts from Santa early. Every kid knows that's not how it works.

~ Anne ~

"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook

Mary Louise's picture

I can't see the 8 year old buying it. She was VERY skeptical last year when she discovered "santa's" wrapping paper in the basement.
If these kids knew any other kids at school that had divorced parents, I think it might fly. Their mom lives in a completely white bread ultra religious community that has no room for anyone that is different....That's a whole other rant.

I suggested that they could just open the santa stuff when they come back Jan 1. I thought it might be a nice extension of Christmas, but he completely shut down that idea. Oh well, at least somebody else does that.

Mary Louise's picture

you hit the nail on the head - every kids knows that's not how it works

I feel like I should be paying you hourly for advice!

Anne 8102's picture

Just make sure you spell my name right on the check. That's AnnE with an E at the end! Wink

~ Anne ~

"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook

Austen's picture

Yes, Santa comes to our house as well as their mother's. Always on Christmas Day. If you don't have them that day, I'd hang on to the Santa gifts until you see them. Your own gifts you can give Dec. 24, although we only let the children open one Christmas Eve.
The 10-year-old really doesn't believe anymore, I suspect, although he buys into it in order to get more gifts. I don't mind, it's fun all around -- especially when "Santa" gets DH something funny, like mouthwash, coal, or a no-snore mask.
Little do the darlings know that Santa hit the bookstore really hard this year ...

peachymom's picture

i think santa should only come to the house that they wake up at christmas morning. this year it will be ours, next year bm's. i don't know what bm is doing, and don't care. next year we wont do santa for ss. cuz he'll come after the gifts are opened. no way will i make my little one wait until 10am to open gifts. ss will get his when he comes. we do one side gets ss xmas eve till the am about 10, then switch the next year.

Ascoolasiam's picture


LVmyBOXERS's picture

DH and his ex alternate years when they have the kids on Christmas morning. "Santa" always comes to our house, each year. I am not sure what they do at BM's house. Hey, Santa still comes to my mom's house for us! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, at our house, Santa only leaves a few gifts. The skids are 15 and 11 so they do not believe anymore but it is just part of the fun and magic of Christmas. Even when they are 35, Santa will still be leaving gifts. Just part of our tradition.

LVmyBOXERS's picture

NO Santa gifts early. That is not how it works.

southerngurl's picture

santa at the house they wake up at. But we have a stocking at the house that they don't. When we don;t have them then after Christmas we tell them Santa came by here and left some things in their stockings. It extends their Christmas a little longer plus we give them wrapped gifts from us usually just before Christmas. They really rack up...

sparky's picture

We only had Santa at BMs house. They knew when they got it at our house that it was from us. But then again they always asked us for the big ticket items and we made sure they knew where it was coming from.

losingmymind's picture

We do one time only. If SD is at our house she gets Santa but if she is at BM house then no Santa at our house. We have other smaller kids and it wouldn't be fair to them to wait till 2pm to have at it.

losingmymind's picture

We do one time only. If SD is at our house she gets Santa but if she is at BM house then no Santa at our house. We have other smaller kids and it wouldn't be fair to them to wait till 2pm to have at it.

Sita Tara's picture

He did when they were really little, but as a single parent for 5 years I quickly figured out that financially it was to our advantage at both houses to tell the kids that Santa only comes to the house they wake up at Christmas morn.

That took a ton of pressure off.

Plus I have always treated Santa as a couple of presents dude, since he has to give to everyone and all. So the stockings and a few small gifts were from Santa, the big special ones from me or exH. We are going to do this with BD 2 as well, because it makes it much easier for them to understand why Santa can't bring them a puppy or a horse, or an xbox etc. Santa MAKES gifts, and/or has to budget for everyone!

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra