Family member tries to open DH's eyes
A family member of DH's who is not afraid of speaking his mind had a long talk with Dh about SD12..he told him what he thought and how out of control he is seeing SD getting. He convinced DH to do some snooping into SD's computer and phone and of course DH found the inevitable...a complete other life that spoiled DH's image of his sweet little innocent princess. The only discipline I saw come of this was him taking her phone away...for how long who knows but we'll see. I don't have much faith that anything will really change but perhaps it is a start. SD12 is a master of manipulation...not one hour after she got in trouble...DH was taking her to buy her something she "needed" for school and took her to buy her junk food at the convenience store...she was happy as a lark. :?
LOL...SD12 seriously needs to work on her fake is pathetic!
Wow, same thing happened with
Wow, same thing happened with us. SD14 had DH completely snowed at age 11 when I first met them. After a year of convincing him that she wasn't the one who was supposed to rule his life and our relationship, he finally started to see her for the spoiled, manipulative brat she is. He NEVER thought she would be sexually active or talk like a total porn star slut to her 13 yr old boyfriend until he saw the facebook messages for himself. She is so bright she signed in on DH's PHONE and forgot to sign out! Well, there ya have it. SD talking about taking it hard and fast, at the age of He was floored. Sad thing is, when he told BM about it all, she said "I don't want to know the dirty details - don't forward me the messages, I don't want to read it all!" And she took away her phone. DH deactivated her facebook acct and that's all he could really do since she now lives with her momma.
But - his eyes were wide opened again in June when she came to stay the weekend with us, conned my daughter out of her cell phone saying hers was broken (her dad didn't let her bring it over) and got caught having phone sex with her boyfriend at our place. She then blamed it all on DH saying "well, you told me I can't see him, so this is all we have!"
I can honestly say that DH's opinion of his precious little innocent baby have completely done a 360. He sees her now for what she really is and frankly, doesn't want to be around her anymore. She is disgusting and is turning into her mother. Sad.
No worries, someday you will
No worries, someday you will sit back, smile and say "I told you so..." That's what I do now
^^^^^Very true! I know I
^^^^^Very true! I know I did!!! I saw through SD like she was bathing in Windex...DH was totally clueless. He sees it clearly now and I sit back and say I told you so in my head. No need to rub salt in his open wounds.
Even SD's grandfather said "she'll likely be pregnant or have some sexually transmitted infection by the age of 15". DH said "I doubt it'll be THAT long". Sad, but true
Oh yes. Dates men half her
Oh yes. Dates men half her age. Cheated on DH when SD was 6 yrs old with some guy she worked with, in their home, in their bed, when DH was on a hunting trip for the weekend with his brother. Then introduced the guy to SD as "mommy's special friend"...
Once DH found out about the affair (which occurred several times over the course of a few months), he immediately wanted to go into marriage counseling and try and hold his family together. They went through almost 4 yrs of that. She started lying and cheating again. He stayed one final year (because he's a dedicated, committed guy - and a bit of a fool at that point!) and said he moved out when he realized he was actually following her to work to make sure she was there! He got the hint, I can't live this way any more - and out the door he went. Floored her, she thought she could just keep doing it and get away with it because he'd stayed for so long. He didn't stay for her, he stayed for SD.
Now, BM claims she isn't dating anyone because SD14 won't "allow it"...and she doesn't want to upset SD14!! However; SD found the condoms she used with her 13 yr old boyfriend to have sex, in her mom's drawer. So, BM is just dating behind SD's back...SLUT!
BM is a ho....had 3 kids by
BM is a ho....had 3 kids by age 19...lives with a guy and 2 of her kids 13 and 17 live by themselves in her apt in the projects and SD12 lves full time with us hardly ever sees her mother. Funny how SD12 is so much like her mother and hardly ever sees her :?
Now THAT is a horrible
Now THAT is a horrible situation! Wow. I'm glad that at least SD14 and BM live together in a decent place (albeit one she cannot afford and we have no clue how she stays there!). SD14 is their only child, as DH got a vasectomy when he found out BM was having an affair.
That's crazy the BM is like that. What a nasty skank!
Unfortunately, SD14 gets it
Unfortunately, SD14 gets it from all over the place, except DH and I. His family (even though she never calls) still sends her money for birthday gifts and takes her out to dinners/fun places. Her mother and her family still dote on her no matter what she does. The only 2 putting our feet down with her is DH and I.
"The only 2 putting our feet
"The only 2 putting our feet down with her is DH and I" ---And that sucks on so many levels.
She never has to deal with the consequences of her slutty behavior,she will in fact be spoiled and coddled regardless of it (which teaches her she doesnt have a reason to change) and all she has to do is avoid mean Daddy and SM.
Just close your eyes and picture her in 5 years-a used up nasty ass skank with numerous STD's and no respect from men in her future.Then you can say "I told ya so!"
Doesnt that give ya the warm fuzzies?! }:)
Yeah, she'll be just like her
Yeah, she'll be just like her momma!!!!!!!! }:)
I totally understand why you
I totally understand why you left. When SD was 12 and DH and I had been dating for about 6 mos or so, she went to him bawling, saying she wanted to call a "family meeting" with him and BM. Against my advice, he went. They both manipulated him so badly! SD cried that she didn't like when he showed me ANY type of affection in front of her, it made her uncomfortable that we'd sit together at dinner, hold hands or kiss each other he actually told me the following day "I think we should cool it in front of SD for a little while because she's REALLY uncomfortable with us". And at that moment, I told him that I was very happy that he, his ex wife and his kid all determined what was best for OUR relationship; however, I was not in agreement. If we had to change anything about us just because of her, he needed to find someone else that would cater to the wants and desires of a little girl because frankly, I am not willing to do so!
I walked out. Didn't answer his calls, texts, emails, pleas. He went straight over to his ex's home, laid out the law saying they would no longer be in control of his life and rule him or his relationship. He sent me an email detailing what was said and done and then, and only then, did I return.
She was just like yours - totally glued to him. She'd follow him to the bathroom! Hold his hand in a lover's handhold, fingers interlaced, tried spooning with him on the floor during movie time! They'd set up an apartment and had lived together for a year (alternating DAYS, not weeks, with mom who lived a few blocks away in their family home) so she pretty much thought she was his mini-wife. He allowed her to help pick furniture, shower curtains, dishes. She helped him cook and clean. She went everywhere with him. Then I came into the picture and she wasn't the center of his world anymore and she couldn't stand it! Was sugary sweet to me to my face, but behind my back, OMG. Lied, lied lied. Disgusting.
That was just the tip of the iceberg with her. She continued to try and manipulate daddy's feelings and said she refused to come over any more if we had any type of sexual relations while she was at our home. It's not like she could see or hear anything! We always made sure she was asleep and we aren't loud! It was crazy. She pulled him aside and said "If you and Mel don't stop having sex when I'm at your house, I'll never come over again". So he looked her square in the eye and said "Sexual activity is part of any healthy relationship and I don't intend to ever stop, especially because you, a CHILD, told me I had to in my own home. I'm the adult here. You're unaffected by this. Go pack your bags if you want to leave". Her eyes got as big as baseballs and she was like "What?" Again, dadddddddy wasn't OBEYING HER, so she threw a shit fit.
He was so terrified of this little girl and her mother in the beginning. You could clearly tell who wore the pants in their family. It was daughter, then mother and poor old daddy just did as he was told and went to work. Mother never worked, daughter got anything and everything she ever asked for. It was totally and utterly disgusting how these two ruled him.
If he hadn't put his foot down with the both of them, I never would've returned. We got married a few months ago and now he and his daughter don't speak, all because we caught her having phone sex and tried to actually DISCIPLINE her. Now she refuses to come over, return his calls, etc and we're moving into a 1 bedroom apartment in a month since we don't need to pay to have 2 bedrooms anymore! It's been VERY peaceful and no stress at all at home now that she's no longer coming over and causing a bunch of drama for attention.
OMG Dreamy you just described
OMG Dreamy you just described my ex fiancee. His son was also disciplined etc. The same dynamic. My ex fiancee`s mother was cheering and applauding it too and I was made to feel like the crazy overreacting jealous woman.I thought I was losing my mind at one point but I came back to my senses. I left because he refused to change anything.
Surprisingly the woman that he dated for 6 years before me also had issues with his daughter.Now I know what issues and let me tell you - nothing has changed or ever will.Please, women stay away from these guilty fathers- it is so so sad...I lost 3 years but now I can spot somebody`s bullshit in two sentences, nod my head, smile and say thank you , but no.It feels good and liberating!
Love and light
Thank you! I would not say it
Thank you! I would not say it was easy. But at least I got a full picture of what my life would be a week before signing a marriage license. I am happy that I never signed any legal document. Knowing what I know now and that he would not change a thing and has not changed a thing is actually liberating.
Let me tell you that 10 months later - life is better than ever. Keep you head high and smile - love yourself and life. Love and light to you and I feel and know how you feel. There is no change if he does not want to change.
When its the boys screwing up
When its the boys screwing up my comment is that "Somebody has to dig the ditches". So when the girls screw up? Well I'll leave it up to you....
******UPDATE****** She got
She got her phone back already
I know that feeling. SD14
I know that feeling. SD14 had her phone back within 3 days after she got caught having SEX at age 13!!! Sickening isn't it?
Nope, not kidding at all!
Nope, not kidding at all! She blamed her FATHER because he wouldn't allow her to stay at BM's during spring break (it was our week with her), so she "had" to have sex with her boyfriend (they were both 13 at the time) because she wouldn't be able to see him for a week!!!! And we found out BM told SD14 she could have her boyfriend over unsupervised as long as another friend was there!!! Well, the other friend took off and voila!
Oh so not only that, but when she came for the weekend at our place in June, she conned my daughter (who visits for the summer) into giving her cell phone saying hers was broken, so she could call her boyfriend. My daughter said she had to kick her out of the room because SD was talking so much like an ffffing porn star to her boyfriend it was disgusting! When DH confronted SD after talking with my daughter, SD calmly said "well, you told me I wasn't allowed to see my boyfriend anymore, so this is all I have to give him, to get him off"!!!!!!!!!! At THIRTEEN!!!!! She was getting him off over the phone??
All the hard work DH put into disciplining SD14 and trying to educate her on the dangers of teen sex (STDs, pregnancy, etc), went straight out the door when she went back to BM's the following week. BM took her phone and computer away for a whopping several DAYS and then claimed "SD needs her friends, it's not fair to ground her for so long"...yeah, that's her mentality. Be your kid's best friend and then end up raising HER babies when she gets pregnant at 14!!!
It makes me feel so much
It makes me feel so much better to have you girls to talk to
Thanks for listening to my drama!