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Feeling Good...

sbm014's picture

Today is a good day.

I have lost 4lbs in the past two weeks! I know isn't much but I am a smaller person only 5'1 and already in decent shape so its a big deal for me I have also walked 27.4 miles - will probably be 30 today as I walk in the evenings.

I know that is irrelevant to the boards but I just wanted to share why I have more than one reason to feel good. I went to SS5's elementary today to get the teacher's email for DH as he is on his way to Canada today for work and will have no service until maybe Monday and he will miss the Kindergarten Meet & Greet tonight - which we are both happy for but he still like to be involved. While at the school I was waiting in the office to ask and see if there was any other information I could pick up for our household which there wasn't because some of SS's information got lost in transfer between buildings (same district - the school lost the paper) and BM has to re-fill out and give me permission tonight to pick stuff up..which I don't see being a problem as even though she is nuts, she learned how it felt to not get info when we were told two Pre-K picture order forms were sent but wasn't because the teacher had to be gone for the last month of school...and she knows it wasn't our fault, also because the other day she asked how to spell my last name (I kept my maiden name - and I file everything I do under DH).

Anyways I didn't realize I was talking to the principal, who told me she was happy to see that I would be willing to get information for DH to still contact and be involved even with him working offshore, and that DH could email her anytime. I also mentioned I will be bringing him lunch on the first day so that he has involvement on both households to which she said I hope you get put back on the permission list as she loves seeing that I seem to want the best and want to be involved. She also mentioned even if BM decides to not let me pick up our version of the meet and greet information on Monday she would let me know what general information I can pick up and would love to assist in anyway possible. It just made me feel good that by just simply saying SS has two households and not bashing BM I was able to go ahead and get my face/name into the school and DH look good just in-case she makes some shitty comment tonight as we don't know if her BF will make an appearance and I'm sure he has the construed version of everything that has happened.

It just I guess made me feel good for someone to see that I care and want to help me whether BM is a bitch about it or not.

theoutsider's picture

I know it feels great to get those little victories! Personally I've started eating better and walking twice a day (sometimes the boyfriend and kids join) but I've lost seven pounds in 3 weeks and it feels great!

Good job and keep it going, baby steps in the right direction still leads to the finish line and it keeps you stable the whole way!

sbm014's picture

Yes the little victories are awesome - especially since in no way did I call BM a good mom, I just got to showcase who I am without prior judgment from someone.

I started walking as my escape as the summer was crazy and I felt like I was losing myself as all of the summer BM/SS drama was happening, not really because I need to. I just want a time where I know is mine - I know I will invite DH some but I don't know about SS as to me it is just MY escape...and I will say it is nice to walk around where we live in the woods and just be able to turn off my brain and have it be about me, and free lol.