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newsm2011's picture

Okay, I don't know why I thought things would go on so well for ever. I knew it was too good to be true. I am so frustrated these kids are driving me nuts. My husband has two 10 and 9 and all of a sudden it's daddy every 5 seconds. Daddy look , daddy can you beleive it, daddy sit with me daddy lay in my bed, all day long daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy...its driving me crazy. We will be in the middle of a conversation and next I hear daddy and daddy goes running. They are starting to be rude and disrespectful. We have full custody and he spends time with them both separately daily...what is the problem. I am pregnant and frustrated. He actually skipped out on my untrasound the other day because daughter had a cough and needed to go to urgent care.It's a cough and cold dude! Really!!! Ummm why can't her mother take her???It was her week day with them????!!!???!!!! I've had it!!! Brought it up to him and now I'm paranoid...OMG...What do I do? All I am is the maid and the chef ....can't do this...How did I get myself into this. I feel so unloved!!!!

Halgsmom's picture

Yea, BTDT. My SS used to do that ALL the time. I finally asked him if his "Mommy" plays with all day every day. He told me NO like I was some kind of an idiot, because WHY would she do that when she is never home with him. I told him Daddy has 4 other kids to help take care of, feed, cloth, diaper changes, A JOB ect ect and he is not SSs personal play toy to entertain him all day. He finally got the hint. DH spends more time with SS then the other 4 kids combined. Annoying.

newsm2011's picture

Is this their way of trying to make it up to their children or am I just overreacting? I mean if you have no interest you should not have married me...made a baby ...etc....I just feel all alone. This is my first and probably only pregnancy and I feel like I haven't gotten to enjoy any of it. Always about the kiddos. Sigh.