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Calypso1977's picture

on the radio this morning they had a psychic on (he's a regular).

one caller's question was this: "my son graduates on Saturday from college, and id really like to know what's in the future for me because since college is ending that means my child support ends too. am i going to be able to make it? Is any money going to be coming my way?"

the psychic gave some BS polite routine psychic answer. however, once she hung up the radio DJs said what i was thinking - 'Honey, the child support is for the CHILD not YOU'.

and here i was thinking my BM was the only one who was this stupid and who flat our refuses to find FT work. at least she can argue that her daughter is still home with her and not over 18 off in college!

QueenBeau's picture

"I would think by the time the kids in college the woman would have a full time job and be able to take care of herself."

I KNOW RIGHT somehow after college we expect these 'kids' to go out & get a job & support themselves but not the BMs?

libra2libra83's picture

I still don't get why people have to pay CS after the child goes to college. It is one thing to have to give you child the monthly amount for support, but most kids move away, or stay in a dorm. Why are dads still paying support of the child no longer resides at BM's house full time?

lillfiredog's picture


Orange County Ca's picture

I think its more a state of mind that exists among a majority of U.S. citizens and noncitizen residents alike. The big government who wants you to look to it for everything has successfully engineered a populace that thinks life should be free or at least subsidized.