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To Give Them Away, or To Sell Them....Please Vote!

Not-the-mom's picture

Since I have recently disengaged from the SK's, we have these really nice Christmas presents we don't want. I shop all year long, and if I see something I think they will like, I get it, so I found some of these items way back in the spring - so I can't return them. They are really nice things, but the SK's aren't getting them now, since they have given us an ultimatum of "Do as we say, or we are cutting you off!" Blum 3

Well we called their bluff and we are cutting them off! We will not be seeing them to give them presents in person - nor are we sending them the presents. They deserve a lump of coal instead - but we won't waste the postage to send that either. Wink

So, I will leave it up to you all...........

Give them away to charity or sell them on Ebay?

Please VOTE! Smile

Disneyfan's picture


skylarksms's picture

I vote give them to charity. Then send ungrateful SS and his psycho-BM-to-be fiancee a Xmas card with a note in it "Donation of xxx was made to xxx charity in leiu of gifts"

Amazedstepmom's picture


Auteur's picture

Charity unless you're short on cash and your economic outlook is bleak which in that case sell on amazon or craigslist.

stepfamilyfriend's picture

Since times are tough and things change....I'd say give some to charity but maybe keep some...for the future? Extra presents can always come in handy. But I am on the frugal, trying to make ends meet side of the spectrum. Also, I'd google the charity and find out how they work, because I hear so much about scams, that I'd want to know which charity has the best rating and the least administrative costs.

liks's picture

Hey....we cut ours off too...they tried the same shit on us....boy are they supa mad they aint getting their own way....they told their grandmother they will not be joining any of us for xmas .... (i am quietly doing a happy dance....yeah baby)

I would keep the presents in the closet for just in case....always good to have spare presents on hand....cos you never know....alternatively....take em back and get a something for yourself instead....

dont send them coal...send them used kitty litter....

purpledaisies's picture

I would take them and give them to other people in my life that I would really love those items and be thankful for them. Say your brother or sister might really enjoy those presents or your nieces or nephews or even your parents. Wink

ThatGirl's picture

Wrap them up and stash them away in the attic to collect dust. Next year might be different and you may be in a gift exchanging mood. Hand them the dusty old gifts saying, "Sorry for the dust! We bought these last year and held onto them hoping you'd come around." *blink* Smile *blink*

Not-the-mom's picture

Thanks for the votes! Charity wins!

I really doubt that things will be better next year. This stuff has been brewing for nine years, and the kids are spoiled snits anyway. They could probably care less if they get something from us, because of course BM will purchase them something much more expensive and flamboyant. She is really into buying their love and loyalty, and wants to be their "friend". Blum 3

Again, thanks for the votes!

By-the-way....what's up with the NFL New Jersey post?

hippiegirl's picture
