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How do you take this?'s picture

There is a good cross section of women/men here, so I wanted to get your opinion on something not step related. If you were to ask your significant other to rub your neck/shoulders/back because they were for whatever reason hurting or sore, and he/she replied, "Nobody ever rubs my back," or, "I wish somebody would rub my back," what would you think? Oh, and then he/she did not rub your back. How do you take that?

knucklehead's picture

Quid pro quo.
Now it's your turn.

Of course, I prefer bluntness... "hey, could you rub my back, please?"'s picture

Maybe I'm too logical. I think to myself, "Now if you felt you needed a back rub, why wouldn't you ask for one?" You I just did.

unbelieveable's picture

I'd yell JERK and walk out of the room...and then say, "well I guess I will find someone else to rub it for me...

midnyt's picture

I would say "well if you were in pain and asked me to rub your neck/shoulders/back then I would but you havent asked, now I am asking you to please help me out coz I am in some serious pain" If he still didnt rub my shoulders I would prob do what Unbelievable posted above, only Jerk would probably be replaced with expletives.