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I am HOME, HAPPY and I had my blind date last night!!!

raindrop's picture

Remember the guy I found on match from my hometown? Well, we went out for the first time last night and we both had a GREAT time. I got a text from him this morning telling me how much fun he had and asked me when I am available to go out again!

he is soooo cute, never married and has no kids!!

Since my return, the "ex" (the guy with kids) called and acts like everything is back to normal now that I'm back and acts like "whats the big deal" when I remind him that i didnt hear from him for weeks at a time. He actually told me "when I have my kids, my time is all about them. i refuse to call or text when i have them". I reminded him that he could have called me once/night after they went to bed, just to say goodnight or I love u. He said he was too tired to do that at the end of the day.

grrrr. it still kinda burns me up. my self esteem was really affected by him. he would ignore me for weeks and then label me as emotional for being upset and crying. he also alludes to me not knowing wth i'm talking about, or, immature, b/c i don't have children of my own.

i hope me and the new guy work out. i didn't sense any red flags and hopefully he couldn't tell that i'm still feeling the breakup sting. i hope i heal quickly now that i am home. It didn't help matters that i was so isolated while away - no friends or family near me, no pets, none of my personnal belongings x clothes and toiletries (my apt was furnished by company) and NO CABLE TV. And my Ipod broke, so I bought a new one and it was snatched in NYC! Talk about a isolated life....and then to have a bf not call or text was really sad. i hope he is out of my mind in 2 weeks max now that i'm home and feeling much better!!!

LizzieA's picture

Hon, your ex is a loser. There's no way he shouldn't have been talking to you every day. It's like being on a shelf and taken down for play at his convenience. Forget him!!

raindrop's picture

Hehehe, you r sooo right.

i would like 2 see him one last time though. Only because I was a size 12 when he last saw me, now I'm a size 8! I want to flaunt it and then tell him how happy i am with my new man and wish him well!!! but at the end of the day, i realize that when i am completely over him, i won't care about any of that. lmao.

snoopyinoz's picture

EX's are called that for a reason, GOOD FOR YOU! and the next time he calls, kindly tell him "oh, I'm sorry, but I have taken an inventory of the IMPORTANT people in my life, and you did not make the cut. I am a valuable person, and have found someone who sees me for WHO I am , not an object, but a person, buh-buh"