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I broke up with SO- help I am so, so sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Finally the whole blending attempt came to an end with me calling it off for good after 2 1/2 years .SO, or ex SO is packing his and SD 8's bags and I will stay with my kids in this house.Right now , even after all those month of struggling with the blending and SO's lack of trying to work on things- I feel totally shattered and blue.I am so sad that this rs was obviously never worth enough for him to fight for and come to a therapist with me.
I also feel like a failure because I couldn't make him happy or managed to stay happy being in the house here with SD.
I need to get back on my feet quickly, can't stay in this horrible mess for too long.
Can someone maybe assure me it was the right thing to do?I can't stop crying.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

I also feel as if SD finally won, which is a horrible feeling, too.Finally she won to have daddy back just for herself and will be playing mini wife again to the max.I shouldn't care about this but I do.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Well being sad is perfectly normal, and it will pass.

How lucky you are, only 2 1/2 years of your life wasted. Some here have wasted 20 and over and it is still not resolved. For some it may be an uneasy truce with sd out of the picture, but we wait to see if it will start all over again if sd chooses to paint herself back in. Has daddy really learned or will he try once again to have sd in his life and us singing and dancing to her song of hate. Do you want to hang in for 20 more yeas with a man who can't even be stuffed going to therapy to at least try before ending the relationship. Do you want a life of uneasy truce. For those of us who stay, SDs are always lurking somewhere.

SD, the mini wife. She may be gloating now, feeling very smug and pleased to see the back of you. She like you may believe she has won.

What is her prize. A daddy who is so selfish that he does not care about her enough to help her grow into a happy, emotionally healthy, independent young woman. A woman who will one day form a relationship with an equally emotionally stable young man and live happily ever after. Instead her daddy will emotionally cripple her, he will make her the centre of his world, make sure she doesn't know how to blow her own nose, so she will forever need her daddy. That makes him feel great. That makes him feel like a man. It's no good for her, but her prize is a dad who doesn't care about that. He only cares about himself. Her relationships will also be doomed to failure, she will learn this from her daddy. Some win. No, she hasn't won, in fact she has lost more than she will ever realise. The real winner here is you. You get freedom, peace and happiness. She gets angry, resentful, bitter daddy.

He hasn't chosen her over you. He's chosen himself over both of you.

I am so sorry for your sadness. It will pass. But I am proud and pleased that somehow you found the inner strength to start rebuilding a better life for yourself and your family. Well done.

As I'm sure you know. All of us on this site are here for you and praying for nothing but the best for you.

Onefootout's picture

tog, how perceptive of you. I really like how you have articulated this. I guess I've always thought of permissive parenting as guilt driven, but you're right, guilt has nothing to do with it. I guess these parents are running a popularity contest. Very ego driven.

thinkthrice's picture

"it's not "guilt" that drives people to parent this way, it's the selfish, immature need for the child to like them at all times and never be upset with them that drives it. Mature, unselfish people realize that while it's harder to set limits on kids and endure their upset feelings, it's in the child's long-term best interest.

BINGO!!! I've noticed that extremely egotistical, selfish and juvenile "parents" have free ranged children who end up the exact same way. The road apple doesn't fall far from the horse's patoot.

I also share the sentiment that you have only wasted 2 1/2 years of your life--that is a lot but some like myself have wasted 10 years with no end in sight. You are doing the right thing for YOUR children! You are teaching them NOT to be selfish, egotistical BRATS like ex-SO and his BD8!! I often think that I am glad to be old enough NOT to see some of the up and coming entitled generation that literally make me shake my head!!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

EBU as usual you are such an angel and I can see that there is so much truth in what you say.This choice was super tough to make but it is the right one for me and my kids.And I don't have to see SD anymore.xx

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Thanks you guys for being there for me, you have no idea how much this means to me since you all understand where I am coming from.I will keep on posting here to stay strong.Wise, very wise women you are, love you all!

thinkthrice's picture

And now you have INSTANT FREEDOM!!! In the future repeat after me:

"Never again a man with children" (now repeat 1,000 times over and over again)

There are a LOT of nice CHILD FREE (aka DRAMA FREE, MINI WIFE free, RAVING LUNATIC BM FREE) men out there!!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

yes, lovn, you are right.I actually started feeling some anger, too, which I will nurture in order to allow my sadness to fade.Imagine this- we have so many single beds here (since we sometimes have homestays) and when I asked him which one of them he would like to take for his kid, he would say that he only wants to take one of the queensize beds and none for her since he will buy her one.Not hard to imagine who is sleeping in daddddys bed for the next few weeks,right?That mini wife brat.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Well, I'd love to think that your over it today, and the world is a bigger, brighter, happier place for you. But, that's not how it works, you I'm sure are still hurting in your heart, even though your head tells you you have done the right thing. Hopefully your head and heart will be in the same place soon. Till then, I just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and wishing you all the very best for a speedy recovery from your heartache. Smile you have shown tremendous courage.

CocaColaGirl's picture

Sweetie, I left my SO just over five months ago. I'm not going to lie. It hurts like effing hell. Focus on your anger, but when it fades, and you are left missing him, come back here. People are comforting here. Sometimes when I miss cuddling him or his sweetness or sex or laughing together over our favorite TV shows, the only thing I can do is come here and read posts to either distract myself or try to remind myself that I didn't want to be around his kid anymore and that meant we had to be over. Sometimes it helps. Hang in there. I'm trying to get through the pain day by day. If you need to talk to anyone, feel free to message me.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Coca, Thanks for this.I will need ST as much as possible.I just sent you a friend request.I am just at the very beginning of this.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

yes, lovn, it is right.I deserve to be equal.And SO doesn't do that.

CocaColaGirl's picture

Just FYI, that was my comment, not the original poster's. Maybe you knew that. But just to clarify, my point was that I can't go back to him DESPITE those things.

emotionaly beat up's picture

The other thing to remember when the temptation to call, text, email or go back is: in doing any of these things the message you are giving him is, it wasn't that bad. You think you were in the wrong. How he treats his daughter is fine by you. A message none of us would ever want to sent, it is self destructive. It YOU make the moves to go back, it will be far worse than it ever was before.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

EBU he still lives here , but has packed all his stuff.I am not taking him back, I learned that there is no chance that anything changes.All he cares for is himself and his brat.I was only an addition.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Oncechoosetosmile, yes I know your SO is physically in the home, and he still has a place in your heart. Your head, well it knows the truth of the situation, as does your gut. It is much harder for you to grieve and begin to move forward in your current situation. But having made the decision the same applies, if you tell him you've changed your mind, and I'm sure he's dragging his heels in the hope you will, then you are also telling him you accept what has happened, and are happy for more of the same, Still, I think you're smart enough to know that Smile

Once you chose to smile, it seems you are making that choice again. Well done to you.

thinkthrice's picture

And once you go back, they have less and less respect for you. Think they treated you like dogshit then? Well boy oh boy, once you go back they have you in their "clutches" and will REALLY treat you like CRAP sometimes even leading to physical violence. I thought my "SO" was the nicest man in the world; someone to restore my faith in men. NOT!!! He actually is now WORSE than my two ex husbands combined and to the 1,000th power!!

surfchica's picture are emotionally healthy and you should pat yourself on the back for getting out early rather than later. I agree with all of the posts here. It is gonna hurt like hell my darling but time does pass and it does get better. I have been through more breakups in my life than I care to think about. My current situation is a bit precarious. I may find myself in your shoes down the line. Once a partner has lost respect for you, there is nothing more to the relationship. If you did go back I agree that it would be likely that you would be disrespected even more AND the SD will step up her game to cause problems. Gloating SD? Who in the hell cares about her anyway. Your problem was with this man, not the little girl anyway. I agree that this little girl is going to have some big psychological problems ahead. Your man is a piece of work too. I don't know how old you are but consider yourself lucky to be able to close this door and move on to happiness. Each relationship teaches us something. Maybe this one taught you to value YOU over a man who says he loves you but puts you a certain 3rd in your own home. Personally I wouldn't consider being with someone who had young children if I had to do it over again. It just adds another level of complexity and to a certain extent there is always a subtle competition between Step mom and step kids for Daddy's affections/loyalty. Nope I wouldn't do it again. However, I have also been in relationships with childless partners who have proven to be disrespectful. Sometimes I feel that the more we give, the more they take advantage. Bad attitude to have maybe but at least it puts me on notice that there are those out there that are TAKERS. I am a giver, so yeah, I have gotten burned in the past. Thought my new marriage would be different. We have hit some significant bumps. Not sure what will happen. See my other posts and you will know my story. Stay strong my friend. You are worthy of a man who adores you and puts you first. Never ever sell yourself short.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Surfchica, if you took a poll. I'd be willing to bet those of us who ended up as the cook, cleaner and bed mate, while the daughter was elevated to number one in daddy's heart and mind were all givers. The takers, well they were never looking for a wife, their daughters had all their love, and that's all they needed in the love department. They were looking for a mother substitute, a carer, someone to look after him and serve and afore his daughter as she had become accustomed to being served and adored. They sought out women who were givers, who put others before themselves, women who were patient, understanding, empathetic, compassionate and selfless. They could smell that in us, and we were chosen as their next carer, or perhaps I should say victim. Until we learn we are valuable too, that we matter and that we need to take care of ourselves and our needs, we will continue to be sought out by narcissists and abused. We have the power within ourselves to change it, we are in fact, the only ones who can change it. Good luck with your situation.

It's fine to care and to look after others, as long as you make sure you take care of you too

oncechoosetosmile's picture

You know, EBU, that the worrying bit is that most people in our society have no idea how many of these stories are out there.The society blames first the step mothers, almost always defends the children and seems to forget about the men at all.We should write a book about it.It would be very contraversy , more than the "Stepmonster"book even.But this is our truth, and it affects many of us and let's face it, it destroys many of us slowly.

emotionaly beat up's picture

I agree, the ex is a victim, the kids are victims the new wife is a bitch, and deserves what she gets. The man. Nothing. He was not a bad husband or a bad father, he is just another victim of the new wife I guess. Same with affairs though isn't it. It's ALWAYS the woman's fault. The girl could be 16 and immature and the guy in his forties or fifties, she single, free as a bird, no commitment to another man, he married with kids. Is it his fault for taking advantage of her, for breaking his vows to his wife, for betraying his wife and family. No way, it's always the woman's fault, The home wrecker is never the cheating husband. It's always the woman he cheats with. Very odd.