I feel like I don't belong in my own home..
I'm not even sure where to begin and if I fail to explain anything - just ask me! I've been married to my husband for 4 years, we have a son who is five and he has a son from previous marraige who is 8. He gets his son one weekend a month and while I should count myself lucky that we don't get him oftener, I hate those weekends with a passion. SS is rude, spoiled, smells bad, chews with mouth open and food spewing all over the table, no respect for elders and ignores anything you say that he doen't want to respond too, he pees all over and around the toilet (on purpose). I used to try and be involved in the weekends he is there but now I mainly stay in the bedroom or leave home while he is there. We have a very small apartment, he sleeps on a fold up cot in the dining room, so the dining room and living room where he plays, watches tv etc are taken up with his stuff. I feel like I can't even 'live' in my own home when he is there. I'm not sure what to do because bio mom came to pick him up the other day and had a 20 minute yell session at my husband about how she is taking him to court to make him have him more often. My husband cannot get off work another full weekend a month -- he's tried. I refuse to watch the SS alone, I don't feel he is my responsibility but bio mom told my husband that I have too - her now husband watches him all the time and so I should have too also. My husband has extreme anxiety and recently was diagnosed with depression - the last two times SS was over for a weekend - my husband had such an extreme anxiety attack that he missed a week of work both times. Can the judge really order that I have to watch the kid if husband has to work - and they order another weekend on the visitation schedule? We can't even afford to pay for child care for my son, when I work, I have a friend who watches him - she says no way will she watch SS. We pay child support so that bio mom can pay child care - it was included in the whole request for support - she claimed she pays 16.00 an hour for child care 7 days a week, SS now goes to school so we know she isn't paying that but does support change? no! Anyway I'm getting off point here. I'm a total ball of nerves because I don't know what to expect.
Your husbands problem
He and XW make that kid. It’s those twos problem. They made a kid that nobody wants
You don’t take care of SS by yourself. If you SO is working SS is not your problem
BM can't make you do
BM can't make you do anythiing with SS. If you don't ever want responsibility, that's your choice, that can't be forced in court or otherwise. Since your DH is working so often, I doubt a court would "force" him to have the kid more. Actually, if anything, going to court could mean a change in CS, since her costs went down... But I understand the stress.
Your son should also be calculated in, as well as your income, I'm not saying you'll have weird amounts of cash, but at the very least, she can't force you to do anything at all, and your child counts as another dependent for DH.
I know that doesn't help tons! Keep coming here and venting!