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i think something is up with BF and BM

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

:jawdrop: Sad okay,so BM was rushed to the hospital last night by her fiance, who we call dopey. apparently she has 2 seizures, and when she was at the hospital had 3 more. she had mentioned that she had them in the other state she lived in before coming back to our state.

this morning, BF was late coming home from work. i had to text him asking where he was. he arrived home just before i had to leave for class. when i asked where he was, he said "i stopped by the hospital to see stoop (BM). she asked me to stop by there."

wow. so im majorly angry at him cause had i not texted him, he may not have come home on time. i was also majorly angry because, its BM, she has causedd sooooo much damage since he and i got together, and he CARES???? WTFFFFFFF!!!!!!

so i pretty much ignore him all day. BM texts him while he is napping, as he works again tonight. i dont let on its me, i just ask what she needed. she texts: "just really need to talk to you".

WTF? i wonder where dopey is, why cant she talk to him? true, convos with him are a bit...interesting. but BM wants to marry him so she needs to deal with it. why is she doing this? and why is BF doing this? OMG i wanna PUKE :sick:

leftfield's picture

how long have u guys been together? how long were they married? why did they divorce? who initiated the divorce? how long have they been divorced?

im pissed for u.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

BF and i have been together almost 8 years.

they were never married, they just had a long relationship.

they seperated because BM was suicidal, mental, cheated and BF couldnt handle it anymore.

i met BF 2yrs prior to their final falling out. when i met him, we were just friends hanging with more friends. i had feelings, he didnt, or so i thought. a month after he left her for good and kicked her out, he and i began to date. SD was not happy about this, and neither was BM.

she has always tried to butt into our lives more than what she should. she doesnt give a damn about SD, she never calls her, rarely sees her. but she will call my BF about everything under the sun, and he says he listens cause he's "curious"....wtfe!

4 yrs ago she moved back to her home state. all was calm for the most part. she just got extradited back here and is now going to reside her cause she is marrying dopey soon. smh...she wouldnt move back here to help with SD, who for some reason loves this deadbeat, but she will stay for a man. pathetic.