If there was a way
Like many of the people who come to this site, im a step parent too who has felt almost nothing but stress when my step kids are here. Over the last few years I started to wonder why my DH & I feel like we are so alone with this step parent/step kid stuff. I started to create ideas when I felt the most stressed out instead of wigging out on the family. I have found it to be a great tool & allows me to laugh when all else fails. It really takes a strong person to love a step child with problems & all. It also takes a strong person to not hold it against your mate for him/her not handling a situation the way you would handle it. Call me crazy if you like but here is an idea I can't help but to dream of. Haha maybe its cause I want what I know I can't have!
If there was a way of exchanging your step child for another step child just for a short period of time, how many of you would really do it? Lets say there was in every county a building where you do a background check & leave some details of your family on a application than wait for another family to do the same. Once two family's complete the process, you can exchange a child for another child for a short term basis. Kids, your mate, yourself, & possibly siblings could all get that break that we all at times want or need.
Love it.
Love it.
NOPE. My ss10 is enough of a
NOPE. My ss10 is enough of a problem and he's really not even THAT awful. Why would I roll the dice and get someone that I can't stand even more?
lol, like wife swap, SKID
lol, like wife swap, SKID SWAP, lol....A private trading board???no , I want to keep mine, she can be cute at least sometimes, hahah.
I would take anyone else's
I would take anyone else's SKIDs but I don't think anyone would want mine. As dtzyblnd said, I would have to lie about them.
Sounds like a plan.. I have
Sounds like a plan..
I have an evil step daughter & an interesting step son as well or my DH & I are the evil ones for thinking what we do think about them. Interesting is not necessary a good thing either! Don't know about you but its a count down, four more years to go than home free