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If you think your SKs are being absued/neglected

Anon2009's picture

*Also on Blended Family forum and on the regular ST page*

Here's some info for you. You CAN do something. You SHOULD do something. Your local government is corrupt? Get the feds involved. Talk to other adults outside the home that the kids know. Talk to their teachers/write/email them. Even if you don't know the teachers, they're mandated to report any claim of abuse/neglect they get on their students. Go to your local police station/troopers/sheriff's office. There are many, many channels you can use. If one doesn't work try another one. (I know this is for abuse but if you call them and tell them what's going on, they're likely mandated to refer it to the proper people/agency). (national child neglect hotline numbers).

Queencow's picture

Where I live Child Welfare will NOT get involved if the complaint is sourced by a "family" embers in a split family....they tell ya to take it to court no matter how severe...

Anon2009's picture

In that case, I would hope that family members reach out to the child's school, teachers, coaches, etc. They're mandated reporters.