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Isnt it funny

MadeMyBed's picture

Isnt it funny that we all love DHs, FHs, BFs, but we think their kids are all morons? lol

glynne's picture

I "love" my DH and at one time I "loved" my SD.

What I don't love is the guilt parenting and PAS that turned SD into a selfish, immature drama queen. She's old enough now that she needs to take a good look at herself and make some changes - but she didn't get to where she is all by herself.

steptwins's picture

Actually I am beginning to question the love for DH. After 3 years of skids being #1 and all the BM b.s. and what's expected of me financially at home I would be blind not to see what's going on. All my DH wants to do is play golf. Not work. Not spend time with his twins. And definitely not go out "alone" w/me.

steptwins's picture

Funny thing is when we first married he insisted on adding me & swins as members to his country club so we could all go & do various stuff there. Never happened. I would beg & plead to go there just for dinner once a month as we have a food minimum to meet. I golfed once w/him & he was quite quite rude to me & rushed me. He explained to me that golf is his hobby & don't try to be part of it. I really tried the golfing thing... So I've settled on doing things w/friends or my sisters. Key word is settled.

lastchance's picture

My SD is 5 and currently fantastic. I'm sure as she gets older and becomes more like BM I will grow to dislike her...but meh, that is an "IF" for the future.