Is it normal not to have great interest in my step kids lives?
I care about my step kids and do not wish them any ill will. I would never want anything bad to happen to them and do care about them a lot. However Im not super interested in their lives, activities, friends, etc. Is this normal? My husband says I should be more into going to their sports practices, school events, their lives, etc. I go sometimes but if I have something else to do Id rather be doing that to be honest because I find their activities to be quite boring actually. I feel bad for saying that but the reality is they are not my kids. If they were my kids I would feel much differenlty but they are not. When my husband talks about their baseball practices, school plays, haircuts, etc its just not interesting to me. Is this normal?
. When my husband talks about
Sounds normal to me
Practices are only interesting for knowing transportation arrangements. I never understood why parents stayed at practice. Haircuts, if I’m not providing cost or transportation, who cares.
School plays I’d go to one performance. Games, for my bios I went to them unless they conflicted with work, for grandskids one per season.
Sports , practices, school
Sports , practices, school events, their lives, etc. are boring. Parents go to see there kids having a good time and feel that the right thing to do. And you get to talk to other parents who are just as board as you are. Other kids family become friends with you.
It’s normal
You’re not invested in your skids like your biokids. That’s just natural. And if you have a difficult stepchild the less invested you are. SD goes to these out of state anime conventions and if she stayed, wouldn’t bother me one bit. She’s getting a divorce and it has absolutely no impact on me. She bounces from job to job and I don’t lose a minutes sleep over it. But if one of my kids has an event you bet I’m all over it. It’s my child; of course I’m interested.
I think it's perfectly normal
I think it's perfectly normal. Most people are not that interested in somebody elses kids' lives. I love my niece but even going to her stuff felt like a chore sometimes.
Frankly, if I wanted to do all of that crap, I would have had kids of my own. And I know quite a few parents who get tired of doing all of that, too, for their own kids!
It's normal to 1. not be
It's normal to 1. not be interested and 2. for your husband to assume there's something wrong with you because you don't care. This is when you find out if your partner wanted a partner or a replacement mommy when he asked you out. If you don't have kids then he will say "you don't understand" but he will also expect you to have some replenishing forgiveness towards his children when they use and abuse you. Don't invest. Tell him you are glad his kids have him and he is dedicated to their sports. Remind him they have two parents and those are the ones with the responsibility of showing up and doting on the kids. Be honest with him and tell him that you find peewee sports boring in general and going would only bring him down and take away from his daddy experience (put it all back on him) Do not let him gaslight you into thinking you are not normal and other stepparents absolutely love and adore every waking moment with their skids and seeing their partners ex on a weekly basis. It's a fairytale that needs to be flushed with Cinderella.
Absolutely Normal!
Please do not fret - this is completely normal. I have two SD who are into gymnastics - I find it incredibly tedious . They go on and on about performing etc, I just zone out, nevermind all the social engagements they have! None of my business, let their Biomom stress over it! Hang in there! x
It is extremely normal to
It is extremely normal to have no interest in unrelated children's lives. Heck, as a parent you often have to feign interest in your own child's stuff. I just outright told DH I had zero interest in hearing about his kids.I think he was heartbroken for a minute so I explained it to him. Skids were a source of stress, so the less I heard about them the less stressed I was. I also am not related to them so of course I wouldn't be thrilled at every little thing they do like a mother/father would be. I'm honest to the point to where I am brutal so I took the opportunity to tell DH how rude, spoiled, self involved and unlikeable his children are. If he wanted someone to be intrested in hearing about them, thrilled with their developent and activities and have any interest at all in them then he needed to run back to the cow that birthed them. I have my own things going on and they are much more interesting than listening to skids sing awful choir songs over and over, off key. DH is still here. If he decided to go back to BM after I told him that, I really wouldn't have cared. I'm not going to act like the world revolves around skids, especially when I have my own children to look after.
i think its the ultimate
i think its the ultimate disengagement when you just dont care to taked an interest.
i dont reach out to my skids in the least. when dh relates one of their misfortunes to me i laugh to myself. they are a cruel lot and it comes to bite them in the back sides.
Don't stress about it. They
Don't stress about it. They aren't your kids, you didn't spend all your waking hours (and sleeping hours) thinking anout them like their parents did. You didn't watch them as they slept making sure they were still breathing. You didn't see their first steps, or hear their first words. You didn't have the say so if such school they attend, which doctor they see, you won't have a say so if which sports they play. You will never feel like a parent to them, because you aren't. You will never have the same bond. When they need support or advice they will seek out their mom or dad.
It depends on the dynamics in play.
I was always all in on raising the Skid. Others have different perspectives and dynamics to navigate.
My DW was the CP in our blended family adventure. As her spouse that made me the full time dad. Throw in the toxic and polluted nature of the shallow half of my Skid's gene pool (the SpermClan) and only having to deal with long distance visitation issues (5wks summer, 1wk winter, 1wk spring) and I could have a fairly consistent playing field to work on as a SParent.
I am interested in my Skids (SS-25) life because I raised him as my own. If that were not the case my interest would likely only be related to how it all impacted my bride. Fortunately I don't have to deal with supporting a heartbroken and consistently infuriated bride. The cherry on our cake is that my son asked for me to adopt him when he was 22. We made that happen and now we have paperwork covering what has pretty much been the case since he was 15mos old. I am his dad.
I wonder if it's them, or any skid
I have 2 SS's. They are moody, both on medication for various mental health issues, and have a horrible bio mom. I wonder if I would have more interest if they were females, or just different kids altogether. I think it's normal to not have any interest, regardless. Like others have said, you may not have been there in the early stages of their lives. And if they still have both bio parents, those are the ones that should be more concerned with their activities.