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Long Distance NCP

disneymom78's picture

This is a question for all you long distance NCP’s.

We get the kids for one week during their Christmas break each year. Then they don’t come back until Spring Break. They are will us for 1 week there and then not until 3 months in the summer. When we buy the kids gifts (like for Christmas and B-days) they stay at our home. The toys and games are put back neatly in the closet until their return. Over the years we have bought lots of gifts but they are hardly used and basically by the time they come back they have little interest in them and want something different (tastes change of course). Although it’s great for good will, it’s kind of like I’m throwing away hundreds of dollars that they barely get to use.

So, question. For Christmas again this year, what do others do in this situation? Do I spend another 600 bucks on toys that they will only play with for a week? If this is the norm then ok… but there has to be a better way….

caregiver1127's picture

Seriously with our SS we give him money and when he goes home he gets what he wants. I don't understand why you would not ship all the gifts to their house since they live there full time. Before he turned 15 we would buy gifts he would open on Christmas and then we would ship them to BM's house - do they not want the gifts - does BM refuse to take them - if you want to buy gifts instead of money then they should be shipped or put in their suitcases so they can enjoy them and think of you two while they play with them.

Not the norm to keep the gifts when they are there a week.

mom2five's picture

We were non-custodial for years. We sent all the gifts back home with the kids when they left.

We are custodial now. Their mother sends the gifts she gives them back home with them.

What's the point of giving them gifts if they can't even take them home?

disneymom78's picture

No, we don't send the gifts with them because she wouldn't send them back when they come back. Then they won't have any toys at our place just at the BMs.

JustAnotherSM's picture

My DH did this for awhile when SS was young. DH would spend $300-500 on gifts every Christmas. SS sometimes took his favorite gift home but the other gifts stayed at DH's house. DH had "reasonable visitation" with SS which amounted to EOWE but BM interferred alot so SS was probably only with him 1 weekend per month. Every year we would find toys that were barely used and some still unopened from the previous year. So we started asking ourselves what purpose this served - spending all this money on a kid who already gets WAY too much stuff for Christmas and doesn't appreciate it. So we changed our budget and began spending only about $100 on him every Christmas. We got one big gift that SS really wanted and the rest were smaller gifts. I think SS was a little bit hurt that first Christmas. But he seemed to appreciate the big gifts a lot more and we didn't find all the like-new, still in the package presents that filled SS's closet before.

I don't think you necessarily need to send all the gifts to BM's house. But maybe just re-evaluate what message you are sending to your skids by spoiling them with gifts. It doesn't make up for the time that DH doesn't get to spend with his kids. And the amount of money spent doesn't represent the amount of love DH has for his kids.

disneymom78's picture

I agree, completely and I think I will try to skim down the XMAS budjet to 100 per kid. We make decent money and my DH just wants to spend it all on them. Maybe, going and doing something special would be more worth it more.

caregiver1127's picture

For the past 2 years I have been taking SS and DD to a waterpark for Christmas for a few days and this year is Disney - I call it the memory gifts - we all get to do something together - there is lots to do so I don't hear the "I am so bored crap" and we get great photo albums out of it. I was also going to say $600 was a lot but if you have it and that is what you want to do then that is your business. I also get SS underwear and t-shirts for christmas - he does not like the clothes gifts but I try to get cool boxers so he likes to see what I come up with each year.

iwishyouwould's picture

kiddo's mom has reasonable visitation. She will buy him some clothes, which he might wear once if he spills somethign on himself while he is there (why buy clothes when he doesnt spend the night with you? i dont know) and then by the time she wants to see him again, he has grown out of them and asks us to send clothes, then h asks her why she doesnt have clothes and she says she does! he says why do i have to send clothes then? and she says cause kiddo grew (since six months ago and i didnt realize he would actually keep living while not with me) ! On the gifts issue - she gives him gifts from chik-fil-a, happy meals, and things we have given kiddo that ended up at her house which he hasnt seen for so long he thinks they are new - the happy meal toys usually make it back to our house, whatever else she gets him stays at her house to not be played with. As a custodial parent, i really dont care if she keeps the stuff at her house. I dont want her crap - i have an overload of kids stuff at our house and do not want to keep up with another special stuffed animal or special teeny tiny toy from mcdonalds. i want kiddo to have stuff there for when he sees her so nothing that I BUY goes to her house and never comes back, and he really couldnt care less. I dont want the walmart clothes she buys him, the happy meal toys, or the $2 sale shoes from kmart. I have enough crap here.

stressgirl79's picture

The activity gift cards are a great idea! I love it! I'm going to use that one this year for Christmas for my bios and the SKs.

caregiver1127's picture

Those last gifts are great because there is no age limit on them - I would not send those to BM either. The gift certificates great idea as well - BM can't give those away the kids would be pissed.

We were going to surprise SS with Disney this year and tell him about it at Thanksgiving but BM wanted all this extra money from DH and told him we should cancel the trip so that SS could have a car and trip to Spain and all this other crap - so we told him this Summer about the plans and showed him where we are staying - he is so excited about the trip that I dare BM to say one thing against the trip - I knew if we did not tell him she would try to make it seem like DH and I were being selfish by not giving her the money for the car and trip to Spain.

NCMilGal's picture

My skid is older, so she doesn't get toys, per se - but the toys have gotten progressively more expensive!

Last year, BM ordered us to get SD14 a netbook. Actually it was, "She wants an iPod and a game system and a netbook. We're getting her the iPod and a Wii for the family, so you have to get her the netbook." SD is actually a good kid, and deserved it, so she got a netbook - and nothing else. BM had the nerve to ask SD14 "wasn't (she) disappointed? You would think your father would spend more on you." SD14 told us that, distraught - she asked why her mom would say that because all SD really wanted was to spend time with us.

Now, of course, SD14 got in trouble sexting on her cell phone, so BM took it and the netbook away permanently - it's easier to forbid than *gasp* parent and monitor your child.

This year, SD14 is going to get summer camp as her big present. She doesn't need more STUFF and if you were a budding writer, wouldn't you like a few weeks at Duke University learning how to write among your peers?

Rags's picture

We quit giving our kid toys and trendy type gifts years ago. Now we get him primarily nice clothing and thow in a nice watch or cell phone ever few years.

I got sick of his piles of crap that never got used so we started giving him stuff he uses.

pastepmomof3's picture

DH and I used to live in another state than kids and I would send the items that they will use on a regular basis home with them and the special things that were from DH and me stay with us. We've since moved back closer to SKs so that won't be as much of an issue but I think this year, the budget for them is $200 each, to include stocking stuffers. I think more activity-oriented items (movie tickets, bowling passes, etc.) will be on the list than junk. We'll see.

skylarksms's picture

I agree with Caregiver, maybe in lieu of LOTS of gift, just give a few or money that can be taken home and make it more special with some kind of outing that they will remember LONG after the latest fad gift.

Orange County Ca's picture

I purchased very few presents and always sent them with the kids. I told them to bring with them any toys they wanted to use when visiting.

I specifically told my ex what I was doing and co-ordinated with her so the kids didn't get duplicates. My ex was always allowed to make the first choices on what she would get for them as Christmas present giving was the highlight of her year. I.e. I didn't fight her over who would buy what and anyway as I said I always down played the event. Usually I purchased one item.

My attitude allowed my ex to feel comfortable in sending the dear precious things she had purchased over to my house knowing they would always be returned.

In age appropriate language explain to the kids what you are doing and that they should not expect a bounty of presents at your home anymore. Explain that you prefer to make the time spent with you not a time of playing with toys but a time of being together whether its raking leaves or playing at the beach or in the snow.

By "you" I'm refering to the bio parent here - either you or your spouse.