Lovely weekend~ SD6 showed up with little hair after contracting LICE
Okay. I know many articles and people say that lice is NOT contracted by lack of hygiene. Whatever.
I NEVER had Lice, my own grown child never had Lice, DH never had Lice whatever you say, I STILL think good hygiene makes a HUGE difference here in contracting Lice.
So, we go to pick up lil SD6 and she had almost NO hair on her head! DH was looking at me like, "WTH" and "after" we got home, SD6 told dad that she had had Lice and BM had cut all of her hair off! :sick: Lovely. Not to mention that she showed up yet again in small clothes and her coat looked like it had not been washed in weeks, if ever.
I felt sorry for her as a mom myself. It's only natural. I have to keep my mouth shut, and it is hard. I see the neglect going on lately. BM is BOLDLY asking on FB " who is going to take her to the wine tasting event", and can't even groom her child! Damn that pisses me off to no end. I'm sorry but I never let my kid go around nasty and neglected and after perhaps dumping him off somewhere, going out to be a slut. Take care of your kid!!! WTF is wrong with these "other" BM's that wanted nothing more than to have a baby, only to neglect them as they get older? Why? You wanted this child dearest BM soooooooo bad, now you could care less for her? Homework just sits, can't wash her clothes even, but you can use daddy, " the free weekend babysitter" to go out and get wasted?
MOTY? I think NOT you total fake, pathetic NASTY mother. I would call CPS on your ass but this is not my place. It's up to DH. He tried it before but they fell for your "act."
Anybody else ever have poor stepkids that have shown up this way and the BM did NOT even notify you? How do you guys deal with it? It takes every fiber of my being not to go off on a few people.
Long rant and weekend~
WTH? She CUT HER HAIR OFF? WOW, that is not right. I thought you put some solution in the hair, no need to cut it, it isn't gum, and unfortunatley I even doubt that cutting it will solve the problem.
I don't think that hygiene has much to do with it, as if you have freshly washed hair and come into contact with someone with lice, they can jump onto your hair. Now, hygiene might take an important part when it comes to eliminating them.
about 2 months ago, SD came here saying that someone in her classroom had lice, the nurse checked her and she didn't. But I still didn't want her near my head, my brushes, and made her wash her hair a lot that weekend.
I have never had it, and that kinda freaks me out, :sick:
Ewww! The sour clothes thing.
Ewww! The sour clothes thing. How lazy can you get?
Yes, quite polite of them to let you know of any illness in advance.(insert sarcasm) I had 4 other people here too, thank you very much. What if she had still had lice? See my point? I think it is ALL on purpose.
BM in this case does the MOTY act here too. Sure.
I found a letter in her bookbag stating that she is way below grade level in vocabulary and reading skills.
Added: Of course you know I kept it too. }:)
Yes! It freaked me out also,
Yes! It freaked me out also, as did it DH!
He gave her head a good look and said it looked okay now. SD6 said " Mommy put stuff on it too."
I am major OCD. Talk about disenfecting everything! I suppose BM thought that cutting it and treating it would take care of it? Whatever.
I am getting pissed too at BM NEVER giving us a head's up on anything pertaining to any illness before visits too. It was hard for me not to call her up and let her have it. If you get me there.
BTW- Think about this. I have
BTW- Think about this.
I have 4 people that live in this house. BM only has 2, sometimes. Why then is DH paying C/S on a 50/50 basis then? I mean, look at the difference?
I know for a fact that one other person (child) in your house does NOT add up that much in extras. Try 4 people! Anyways.
When SD was 8 she got lice.
When SD was 8 she got lice. We're pretty sure it's from this theater club BM enrolled her in, where they did a performance and all the kids were sharing hats. So not so much a hygiene thing per se...
Anyway, BM absolutely refused to cut even an inch off SD's hair, which was nearly down to her waist. And BM refused to do much of anything to treat SD's hair herself. Basically said it was DH's (and my) responsibility. We treated her I don't know how many times, change pillowcase every day, etc. It still took us quite some time to get rid of the lice.
LOL That's what was happening
That's what was happening to me all weekend! EVERY single time I had the slightest itch, my OCD would kick in. Of course I was messing with DH too.
TRUST me, ALL that touched her has been almost BOILED. :O
DH took her back to school this morning and then she goes over to the MOTY home afterschool.
I'm still LIVID over BM not telling us in advance and wondering why she did not.
It really doesn't have to do
It really doesn't have to do w/hygiene. It happens. I remember getting it as a child once or twice also. They catch on to clean hair.
About a year ago or so my youngest son caught it from school-he accidentally used someones beanie that looked like his. It took a while before I started putting two and two together and by then my oldest AND myself had them! I have tons of hair and it's extremely long...I was horrified and then had to get some major work done.
I used the shampoos....the combs, then I bough tea tree extract and cocounut shampoo and added tea tree to the shampoo-...also I soaked ALL of us in listerine and shower caps (YES it works!!!). I washed all the bedding w/extra hot water, added listerine, and tea tree extract to the wash. Combed the hair out-it was a two day process...and then maintenance for another couple of weeks. UGhhh it was hell.
Edited...cutting the poor girls hair was just lazy and stupid-YES I know it's daunting to tackle long hair w/lice---I mean I had to do my own which is harder to reach and manage by myself but didn't dream of cutting it...lazy way out I guess is what her mom took.
I was wondering that also.
I was wondering that also. Does her mom have lice, that is.
Perhaps I should ask her OPENLY about it all on her FB page? }:)