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the wicked witch's picture


Being a parent is Sper Hard, but I have to say that being a step parent isa 10 times as hard. I have been a step for 10 years now. When I maried my hubby, the kids were SS15, SD12, SD8, SS3 and we have had 3 boys together who are now 8, 7, and 5.
I have raised the steps as my own and have loved them through everything. Their mom has had very minimal contact..and is not a good example.


Right now, as I type, My SD21 is at the hospital giving birth to our first grandbaby..and where am I home, of coarse!! WHY!! She DOES NOT want her bio mom to be there !! I HAVE TO AGREE WITH HER THERE!! She has very little connection with her mom and said she gets the heabie jeabies just thinkin about her there when she has the baby..AND YET she does not want to hurt her bio moms feelings by letting me be there (even though she wants me there). SO..her sister and her friend are there with her. I am trying hard not to be too hurt, but its tearing me up inside!!! Why is being a step parent who cares SOO HARD!!!!

Notmine's picture

(((HUGS))) I am so sorry you are going through this. I really hope everything kind of just melts away when you get to hold your grand baby for the first time. Again (hugs)

the wicked witch's picture

I know I should just not worry about it and just settle back and be a grandma....but I just cant get out of my head that this same thing is gonna come up with wach grandbaby!! Why should I be PUNISHED for what their MOM DID NOT DO!!!

the wicked witch's picture

Thanks motmine..I appreciate your words!! IT JUST HURTS!!! I keep saying over and over in my mind that it really doesnt matter who is there now...but I just cant seem to convince myself!! I have my SS13 here and my 3 bio boys, and Im bawling my eyes out. My hubby is workin out of town, and I really have nobody to vent to...hence, why I am here!!

the wicked witch's picture

Im trying to decided if I wanna go tonight..or wait till the morning!! Its 8:30 and she is pretty close to havin the baby...hopfully by 10...and maybe an hour or so to clean up, etc..maybe 11..I told her to call me ANYTIME...I'll just have to wait and see..GGRRR..why does this have to be sooo hard...Ive had 9 or so months+++ to prepare....

sterlingsilver's picture

my sd is having her first baby next month and bm is very involved. she asked me to be grandma but it's hard when bm is all over FB in all the pics and at the showers which i did not attend b/c she was there. uhg. i know I have not been in sd's life at all but it's still weird that my dh and his first ex are sharing this and i am being left out. weird feeling. hoping your sd calls soon! enjoy the baby!

AngeLily's picture

Call her. Just to give her words of encouragement and tell her how proud and how much you are thinking about her and hope everything is going okay.
If you are as close as you have said, that will mean so very much to her.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I hear ya. I'm a stepdaughter, too, and I have 4 living bio children. I have never had my own mother present for a birth. She had no relationship with my children while she was alive, and thanks to her choices she didn't live to see the youngest born, although I'm told she spoke of it before she passed. Sometimes Mom doesn't know best. My stepmom has been the greatest resource in raising my kids. She had a big family, too, and was from a big family, and has always been there for me. I'm really grateful to have her. I just wish my dad could have found her when he was a younger man.