In need of a tropical Island to my self I'm tired of everybody..taking and destroying my stuff
Just found permanant marker in SD-11 handwriting on the backseat professing her friend is a hoe..DD-18 decided to sneak my wine coolers and drink them I just bought them Sat. and I'm not a drinker so it's rare that I have any no sorry no explanation..sick of her and just want her out. Anxiously awaiting the end of school so I can give her the boot. She has no car to get there so I drive her every day.
Tip for the permanent
Tip for the permanent marker...
Sometimes, if you take dry erase marker and mark over permanent marker, it will remove it. Depends on the surface.
I hate it that this is happening!!
Hugs to you!!
The SD11 and permanent marker
The SD11 and permanent marker would really send me over the edge.
Maybe you can't go to a
Maybe you can't go to a tropical island, but you need a ladies night for sure.
Call your best lady friend, and figure out something.
I know my bestie and I are planning a weekend at the beach very soon!! It does wonders for the soul!
Nail Polish remover works
Nail Polish remover works wonders for permanent marker
Mr clean magic eraser does a
Mr clean magic eraser does a great job on permanent markers too!
You do need a weekend away though... Talk a girlfriend into a weekend shopping or beach trip!
My ss14 breaks pretty much
My ss14 breaks pretty much everything he touches. Seriously. He broke my car door last week. It can no longer be opened from the inside. He had found some small piece of metal somewhere and dropped it into the door handle somehow and we can't get it out now. He also broke my seatbelt in the backseat the other year, playing with the seat belt and trying to wrap it around the edge of the seat. He was successful, so successful that it would not come off and we ended up having to cut it. It's not really like I can "punish" him for it because he does it on "accident". He eats all the food in the house. I am now hiding it in my room. I told my dh just the other day that I needed to feel as is something in the house was MINE. (I was also pissed because I found out he gave like 4 of my wine coolers to his brother when he came over). If you want to offer your bro a drink-offer him one of YOURS, dude, not mine! Your brother doesnt even like me-I dont think he needs to be drinking my beverages!
Thinking about being evil. I
Thinking about being evil. I took a picture with my cell phone is says ____ is a hoe and sent to SO. All he said was damn kids. Wonder if her grandmother or this other girl would like to see it and just post it on my facebook saying SD is mad at soo and so but writes on my seat destroying my stuff unless she cleans it.