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new outlook on this stepfamily business and other ramblings

startingover2010's picture

so i began my counseling sessions, had first appointment today, and we discussed a great deal of things. i wont bore u with the details, as i have to get ready for class now, but i have decided that i am going to take a new outlook on sd11 and bf.

no, i havent moved out yet. i am working on a new residence right now, but i dont have anywhere to just 'go to' in a hurry.

anyways, i realize that no matter what my opinion is sd11 is going to always get what she wants. i also realize bf is a pussy when it comes to bm and sd. he wont take charge even if his life depended on it. i dont get results no matter how i act or react to situations.

sd11 has been acting out wayyyy too much. i dont have time to go into detail. but one detail i will point out is that she has wet the bed every night this week. when she came back from her moms in june, she wet it twice and that was because she drank too much right before bed (unknown to us). but now its accident everynight. and lying about it too. so....something going on here and her excuse?

"i only want to talk to nona (grandma)" who lives in PA and wont be much help.


"nothing is wrong"


so we just found out from bm's recent ex that bm apparently had a very sick 9lb baby in june and that the baby died in nicu in july while she was here for sd's bday. bm is from texas we are in fl. the story has many many holes in it. for example, the pics bm sent her ex, the father of said baby, are found on google (she searched for pics of babies in nicu)---not the baby. also, if she delivered in june, wouldnt sd see that little bm was carrying around a big belly before sd came home? no mention of mommy-dearest being with child. also, attention-whore bm said she went through pregnancy, labor, death and funeral for said baby all by herself.....doesnt add up.

sd says her mom was pregnant but baby died in mommys belly a month or so before sd returns to us in june. hhmmm...same time bm's ex left texas for fl too. bm's ex is baffled by this piece of news. he is so heartbroken cause he tried to go back to tx to help her with dr appt and stuff but bm kept telling him no. now he finds out she suppossedly had his baby and it died 2months of age, and she never let him see it.

ok so i am so done with this cause bm is nuts and i think that sd should steer clear of bm and all communication should stop. bf says no, bm just needs help. no, bm needs to move on in her life cause she doesnt want sd anyways, never calls her, never sends her money never does what a mom should.

ok im done i am so tired of this crap.

Selkie's picture

Just think, you'll get stronger and you'll get your head straightened out a bit, then you can find a new place to live without a pussy, abusive shithead and his entitled, messed up spawn and ex-clan ever again. Sounds like the further you are away from that crap the better it will be for you.