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now i think bm is faking...sick bitch

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

found out that the reason bm was sent to ICU was cause she had 10 seizures in a row in front of dr's...who can NOT find out why she is having them...nothing shows up on monitors or scans.

ever since she began having 'sezures', the docs cant find out y....all tests have come back normal.

anyone with seizure experience or knowledge want to lend a comment? lol

BSgoinon's picture

I don't have any input for you at all... but I can say that picturing this woman laying in a hospital bed, faking 10 siezures in a row is very entertaining. Can you seriously picture that? I wonder what these Dr's think of her. Is she a good actress or what?

DeeDeeTX's picture

My aunt was having seizures and nobody could figure out why. She wasn't faking, they just ran a bunch of tests that all came back negative. Eventually they stopped with medication, but it was very strange.

Just saying it can happen.

BSgoinon's picture

That's what I am saying... I would hope that the Dr's would be smart enough to know if they were fake. Unless she is some phenominal actress! And I would LOVE to be a fly on that wall if they were fake. How funny would that be to see? And then hear the Dr's reacting to it.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

well, she faked a pregnancy, birth, baby in nicu, and death of said baby a few years back...even googled pics of babies in nicu, printed them out, and sent to ex at the time (who is now her busband) with a note that said "here is your son, sorry he just died".

so yes i beleive it can happen that someone can have seizures n dr's not know y, but not this bitch

BSgoinon's picture

Maybe you can sneak in to her ICU room and wheel her bed down the the psych ward, I think they may be able to help her.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

oh yes, and thats why we nicknamed him 'dopey'...he isnt the brightest crayon in the box Biggrin

Ever Dreaming's picture

My mom had seizures from a young age after a go cart accident. From seeing her seizures, I couldn't possibly think of a way for someone to mimic them (and if she can shes an amazing actress) my poor mom drooled on herself, bit her tongue to the point blood was everywhere and even (sorry mom) went to the bathroom during her seizures. Her whole body locked up and her eyes did things that normally wouldn't be possible.
If she's faked a pregnancy and death, I really wouldn't put it past her. I have a hard time though thinking she actually had a seizure in front of a doctor. Is she making that part up? Or does she have proof that a doc has actually seen her?

Jsmom's picture

I have a hard time believing that a doctor couldn't tell the difference if she was faking it. They get all kinds in the ER and usually can tell if someone is drug seeking or needs the attention. Putting her in the ICU (I would verify that), indicates that something is wrong. Hospitals are usally short on ICU beds and won't waste them or the insurance by putting her in one if they suspect faking.

janeyc's picture

Maybe she has poisened herself with herself lol, many people have "seizures" and there is no evidence on any scan, but with her history, in all likely hood she is giving Helen Mirren a run for her money.

Orange County Ca's picture

Telling people you're pregnant and taking pictures off the net is easy but faking a seisure good enough to stymie Doctors is quite another. For the moment I'd give her the benefit of the doubt.

Don't fixate on this woman - spend your life on worthwhile endeavors.

hippiegirl's picture


hereiam's picture

Given her history, your gut is probably right.
10 seizures? In what time span? What kind of seizures? Grand mal type or glassy stares & drooling or what? Wouldn't be too hard to fake a seizure, really, there are so many different kinds. My sister would just stare off into space and lose her train of thought and then come back. We never even knew it was seizures (til years later), we just thought she was spacey!

I had a friend who was having seizures (also not grand mals) and she went to specialist after specialist (for a couple of years) and they could not figure out what was causing them. Medication did and does control them but she wanted to know what was causing them.

Finally, she had to agree to a week long hospital stay, basically like a sleep study deal where she was hooked up and monitored 24/7.
When she had a seizure and they could see what was actually happening in her brain, they figured out it was due to a car accident she had a few years before. She didn't think she had been hurt at the time beyond the usual soreness and touch of whiplash, but there was scar tissue pressing on a nerve or something causing the seizures. It did not show up on any other test they had done.

Again, given this woman's history, it's hard to give her the benefit of the doubt. The scary part, what if she decides to turn this into Munchausen by proxy
and start hurting the kid to get attention?

This is what happens with people like her. If this is for real, well, nobody believes her.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Maybe she is possessed by a demon. Perhaps someone should suggest that she see a priest. *sarcasm*

qtpie013178's picture

She probably had one or two seizures and is just "embellishing" for more attention and sympathy.

qtpie013178's picture

She probably had one or two seizures and is just "embellishing" for more attention and sympathy.