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OT - Prepositions... and Millennial Idiocy

pinkb's picture

I was watching something brainless on TV this morning and the topic was grammar pet peeves. I posted on FB, "Friends don't let friends end sentences in prepositions". I am the red headed spawn of a rocket scientist and a second grade teacher so I know my grammar. Not totally crazy about these rules (though it does irritate me)...

My SS21 posts as a response a video from a movie (I guess?) someone ending a sentence with a preposition, being corrected, and then repeating the sentence attaching the work C U N T at the end.

I am mutual friends on FB with his bible thumping Boss (who is my work husband and whom I adore). Are these kids just freaking brain dead?

SugarSpice's picture

^^that is so very funny! best answer of them all! to be honest sometimes this type of speech can be regional.

its incorrect as heck but some people talk that way. my beef is mixing up objective with subjective.

"me and nancy are going to go camping."

ldvilen's picture

Speaking of parents that raised them, maybe they are just imitating their Trump-like parents--if anyone accuses you of any wrong, just attack, attack, attack. Not sure? But, apparently this works with some people, and young'uns tend to go with what works for them regardless of the lack of ethics, morality or logic behind it. So, if people accept this behavior from others--it is okay to attack, lie or avoid or twist facts to get what you want, then I agree that those who put up with that type of behavior. and sometimes even go so far as the glorify it, are at least equally to blame.

Willow2010's picture

And I could care less if someone ends a sentence with a preposition. But using a word like OP's SS did is really disrespectful.


pinkb's picture

Perhaps putting a "Millennial" stamp on this wasn't exactly fair. I guess my point was that it's not polite to use things like the "c" word and certainly not on a medium (the Internet) that, though it has been removed from my FB page, never truly goes away.

It's just impolite, IMHO.

pinkb's picture

Hi Rosalu,

Once again, I apologize for generalizing Millennials. However, I don't think its equivalent to using the "C word" in a public forum.

Facebook is largely available to anyone looking and doesn't exactly qualify as "close company".

My SS is an idiot. Not the entire generation.

pinkb's picture

Thanks HL, I don't *friend* a lot of people at work. Maybe a handful and only those that I truly consider folks in my personal inner circle. That being said, I don't think this language is okay in any space. My Mom, Dad, sister, etc. are my FB friends. People should just be polite.

I'm in my early 40s and I have built the infrastructure for most of the social media majors (Yahoo, mySpace, FB, Twitter). Thankfully, I signed up on FB before they mandated that you use your "real" name so I'm out there with a rather entertaining pseudonym.

I see FB as the new age graffiti wall, in general. If you don't want your very proper Mom to read it, you shouldn't post it on FB. Clearly, not everyone sees it that way. Bad on me.