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Part-time job and CS

guiltystepmom's picture

Little question?

At 18 if the have a part-time job, does this count when we have to review the Cs?


guiltystepmom's picture

Yes if the kid is 16-17 and over...

Does that salary count? thats my question...sorry if i wasnt clear enough!

StickAFork's picture

Nope. The kid isn't responsible for their support, and it won't affect CS at all.

guiltystepmom's picture

well when i was living with my parents, as soon as i started working, i was paying for my clothes and school stuff, my car...etc...

man, these kids from divorces have got the freakin life!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frustr8d1's picture

NO SHIT, guiltystep! "...these kids from divorces have got the feakin life!!!" And people wonder why steps are so freaking bitter and resentful!!

Orange County Ca's picture

Keep paying the support. Don't even mention the kids job you'll come across as a cheap skate bum who wants to take the kids money away to pay for his food. It's just a few months away and you'll be rid of the money draining responsibility.

guiltystepmom's picture

oh no....he or i would never do that to the child!!!!!

Never!!! I just wanted to know cause the mom is always with the stupid threats,,,

sue u for this, sue u for that!!!

Rags's picture

Nope, a kid's earned income has no bearing or impact on CS from what I can discern and shouldn't IMHO. Now, if the kid is 18 CS may no longer be enforcable depending on your state and CO.

In the case of my SS his SpermIdiot was no longer responsible for paying CS once the kid turned 18 or graduated from HS whichever was later. Unless ..... he was a full time college student in which case CS continued through age 21 though it would be paid directly to SS rather than to my wife.

For sure you do not want to go after the Skids money or try to use it to reduce CS. Interestingly my Skids SpermClan has tried several times to get him to send money to them now that they no longer have to pay CS for him and now that he is self supporting.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture


Usually, court-ordered child support ends when the child turns 18 years old if he or she graduates from high school. If your 18-year-old child is still a full-time high school student and still lives with a parent, child support ends when your child graduates or turns 19, whichever occurs first.

Child support also ends when the child:

Marries or registers a domestic partnership,
Joins the military,
Is emancipated, or

Parents may agree to support a child longer. The court may also order that both parents continue to support a disabled adult child that cannot support himself or herself.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

As far as a kiddult's income being considered, the answer is really dependent on the state's emancipation requirements. If a 18-19 year old is working full time, then yes it could affect CS obligation. A high schooler's part time gig 10 hours a week, most likely not.