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POLL: Will BM or won't BM...

skylarksms's picture

Trying to make this as short. BM told H that if he left her she would make the rest of his life a living hell. For the past 11 years, she has been doing just that, including taking H to court at least once a year. That is until about three years ago, when the judge found BM in Contempt for interfering with visitation. She got fined $500 and has not taken him back to court since.

OK, so CSE send out their letter that they do every 3 years and BM requests a review. CSE figures out what CS would be and decided that they are not going to pursue it because it was only $56 a month increase.

SD will be 18 in 6 months but BM is also getting the CS for SD's baby. BM also just had a baby herself Xmas Eve (not getting CS [yet] since baby daddy is also living in the house).

SO - my poll is - do you think BM will spend the money for a lawyer to get the extra $56 a month? Especially knowing that no matter what CS is going down some when SD turns 18?

I kind of hope she does since we could nail her [again] for continually violating the visitation order, among other CO violations.

JMC's picture

She'd be really stupid to do so - it'll cost more for the attorney/court fees than what she gets, but I would venture to say she probably will do it if nothing more just for spite.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I think she sounds like a complete moron honestly.

56 bucks a mth.? How desperate can one get? Is she still stealing the daughter's money as well?

Rags's picture

Will she? Probably.
Should she? No, she will not recover the attorney's fees in 6mos of increased CS.

MadeMyBed's picture

ours would. we always say she would bite her nose off to spite her face. Thats a mani/pedi per month! (what she uses the $$ on)

Totalybogus's picture

Did your husband's salary increase by at least 15%? If not, the court will not allow it anyway. She'd be wasting her money

skylarksms's picture

As far as we know she is still taking SD's baby's CS. Her reasoning is since SD is still living in her house so BM is the one supporting the baby (so WHY is SD forced to work so much...?)

H speculated that she is also charging SD rent. But that is just speculation.

H's income did NOT go up by 15%. In actuality, since he turned in his financial paperwork, he got a different job that starts out as LESS than what he had been making.

I think maybe she will BECAUSE of SD turning 18, she might try to recoup some of her decrease in CS by increasing the overall amount.

Freedom2005's picture

I agree that a certain percentage has to be changed before CSE will do the change.

If she does it, it might be from spite...

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

They will not do anything unless his income (gross) has gone up no less than 15%. What a moron she is. Maybe do not inform her and let her waste her money on it.

" Oh well! You should have read the FREE online law library prior! Life's a bitch!"

Totalybogus's picture

How old is SD? You might want to look at the law on emancipation in your state. I don't know, but it would seem to me that if she has her own child, that would be reason for emancipation. Then, he wouldn't have to pay anything at all Biggrin

skylarksms's picture

I have a SS too and SD is less than 6 months from turning 18 so I think that emancipation is a moot point now.

I read somewhere that CS goes down 25% once SD turns 18 (H thinks it should be 50% but I KNOW that is a dream!).

Does anyone else have experience in this?

skylarksms's picture

I never make this clear, I guess. The CS for the grandbaby is from the baby daddy NOT my H! [Although the way BM informed him that SD was having a baby, you WOULD think that he was the one who knocked her up!!] Although BM expects us to have grandbaby on my medical insurance...which I would be more than happy to do if we actually got to SEE grandbaby. BM is using him as another "control lever" against H.

The CO is from North Dakota.

skylarksms's picture

H DOES NOT pay for SD's baby. HER baby daddy pays but it goes to BM since SD is still a minor.

SD has been forced to work almost FT according to SS and has dropped out of HS in her senior year, which I think is a shame. From the sounds of it, BM won't even babysit her own grandbaby. SD had to take him to a daycare.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Sky! LOL

I "think" everyone is getting a little confused. I know the situation though. I feel for you having to explain this mess a gazillion times...ugh.