pre-court games
BM's attorney sent a request for discovery due in 30 days, followed by a phone call saying she was urging her client to settle and to not start working on the discovery request for at least 2 weeks.
She called again saying she was still working on her client and that she expected to file a motion to postpone the court date.
Still no motion 2 weeks later. Needless to say we're still diligently working on getting everything together for discovery.
We received a letter from BM & attorney yesterday stating that DH's proposal for custody modification was just "too complicated" and that if he's worried about child support, she'll agree to calculate based on the schedule he WANTS.
Um .. what? There's nothing complicated about it .. it's the same schedule with one primary change .. BM gets every 3rd weekend. It's all the additional crap that BM adds on that makes it complicated. What's so complicated about keeping the parenting time the same? And if she thinks he's dumb enough to agree to a CS calc that she can easily just take to the enforcement office and have changed in 3 months, she's out of her mind ... not to mention, in every debate and discussion, SHE'S the one who brings up the $$.
DH's attorney is getting so sick of the games. She told us that some of this is to be expected, but the level of game play is just ridiculous. I guess we're just used to it now. I'm excited to see her response ..
Maybe you could just give her
Maybe you could just give her direct access to the bank accounts - would she be happy then?
Maybe that might be less complicated!
Yeah, never trust the whole I'm working with my client to resolve the issue even though she's certifiably cookoo for coco puffs!