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Proud and sad..... bs3 is mentally surpassing ss10.

PeanutandSons's picture

Bs3 is very intelligent for his age. His preschool has moved him ahead a year and he is excelling at school (He just turn 3.5 and is in the 4-5 yr old class). Talking to him is like talking to a 6 or 7 yr old.

We do a lot of games that double as learning opportunties to keep him challenged. One 'game' we play in the car is story telling (creative writing without the writing). I give him a topic and he makes up a story, then he give me a topic and I tell him one. I model my stories to teach him different concepts in writing, and he mimics it back to me in his story. Example: last week we were working on point of view and I had him retell his story from the different points of view of all the different charecters in his original story. He was able to give each charecter a back story, weave that into his original story, and then give each charecter their own conclusion. I was quite impressed.

Ss10 isn't mentally handicapped, but he tends to be on the slow side. Whether that is from lack of intelligence, or lack of putting in effort, I don't know. The skids usually chat amongst themselves if they are in the car while BS and I play story telling. We offer to let them join in, but they always decline.

Until this morning. SS says he will tell a story. It was incredibly striking how simplistic his story was compared to Bs's. There was no structure to his story, no point, no supporting details, no descriptive imagery....nothing. I am honestly not sue how this kid is going to pass fifth grade if this is how developed his writing skills are.

If you had just heard the two of them tell a story you would have thought the bs3 was the 10 yr old, and that ss10 was only three. I don't know what I am going to do with that kid. How sad is it going to be for him, the day he realizes that his little brother is smarter than he is?

But on another note: any ideas you guys have on other enrichment games I can play with BS3? This kid is like a sponge!

PeanutandSons's picture

His preschool is teaching him rudimentary Spanish. I'll have to look into teaching him more at home (ive don't speak it so I would have to learn more of it first myself Lol

IronRose's picture

Memory is a fantastic game to play.

What about those puzzle games, like H-IQ peg board game?

Card games are excellent, too.