Quick little vent
FDH and I just got home from the hospital yesterday. We had a beautiful, nearly 10 lb, baby boy. We get home at 2pm, my mom brings DDs home around that time and they go straight down for a nap... FDH leaves to get my scrips, BM drops SD off at 5.
So we now have 4 babies/toddlers in the house. (NB, 1,2and3) Igot hardly ANY sleep last night because iI'm nursing, and DS wanted to be latched on all night. I wouldn't mind the not sleeping, but FDH has the nerve to wake up and say 'I'm in too much pain to move.' So guess who got up at 6am and made sure DDs and SD were dressed, had their teeth brushed and ate breakfast... Thats right, the women who just pushed 10 lbs outta her Vaj YESTERDAY!!! I told FDH not to talk to me about pain.
After the girls were ready I go into the bedroom and tell FDH I'm gonna take a nap. His response 'can you wait til I get out of the bath? I'm just in a lot of pain right now.' I answer back, okay, whatever.
If he's not gonna help me with the kids why did he take the week off? I'm just annoyed that I JUST had a baby but I'm expected to jump right back into the routine of things, with no recovery time... If I would have known this is how it was gonna be I would have stayed in the hospital another day.
Thanks for reading, I'm just wore out and have no one else to vent to.
Ugh!! That is terrible!
Ugh!! That is terrible! Tell him to suck it up and deal with it and help out! Congrats on your newest bundle!
Tell him - NO! Why are you
Tell him - NO! Why are you catering to this fool. I'd have thrown his ass out of bed literally. Take YOUR kids & go to mom's where you can get some help.
My Bad, I was so annoyed by
My Bad, I was so annoyed by your DH I forgot to say congrats!!
Thank you. = ) We had asked
Thank you. = )
We had asked BM if she could switch a few days around with us, but she brought up the CO... Only when its convenient for her does she pull the CO out. But when she wants us tokeep SD for extra days the CO ddoesn't matter.
Simpathy pains my ass! Lol, he actually tried to tell me that's what it is! I just laughed at him.
Congrats on your baby!!! And
Congrats on your baby!!! And WTF is wrong with that man??? OMG! Good luck momma!
Tell him that you'll give him
Tell him that you'll give him something to cry about..wuss. You just pushed a 10 pound baby out of your VAGINA!!! That hurts!!! You need recovery time. And congrats on the baby!!!!
Just say: "I'm sorry
Just say:
"I'm sorry hon--there's some asprin in the medicine cabinet." Go back to vag healing and nursing NB.
Congrats by the way.
Well hell since you're
Well hell since you're already awake you might as well see to the rest of the kids. Jeeze.
Okay, time for some clarity
Okay, time for some clarity for your idiot fiance. Go get the baseball bat out of the garage. If you don't have one a golf club or 3foot long 2x4 will do.
Then you go tell him what he is going to do. If he plays the "I am in too much pain" card you tell him "I will show you pain now get off of your lazy exploitive ass and do exactly what I say and take care of your spawn..... NOW!!!!!! I just gave birth to your child you asshole!"
Then put the bat through the sheetrock wall closest to his head and tell him when he is done with what you just told him to do he can fix the wall.
What a jack ass.
When my DW is not feeling well I am all about giving her the time to be off of her feet that she needs. I take care of meals; I rub her legs, etc, etc, etc... She does the same for me. But, childbirth trumps anything your DH could possibly be suffering so he needs to pull his jackass head out of his ass and get over his current bout of extreme Cranio-Rectitis.
Congrats on the new baby and my condolences on the jackass you are married to.
As a man his existence just pisses me off at this point.
Congrats on your baby boy
Congrats on your baby boy
Now WTF is he in pain over? What can be worse then having just gave birth like 24 hours ago?
And why isnt he being a man and taking care of his woman and helping with his kids? Sorry but a real man wouldnt do that.
I would have some SERIOUS issues with him treating you like this after giving birth to his son.
My Ex did this same thing sort of. I was waiting for him to come visit at the hospital (I didnt make him stay the night) and I'm waiting, waiting, waiting thinking he should be there soon. Finally I open the door to my room and there he is... with nurses all around him... whining about his foot that he cut. REALLY DUDE? I just had an 8 1/2lb baby naturally with a hell of a tear and you are complaining about your foot. WTH.
He then dropped us off at home and went out golfing with his buddies.......
Beat him. Like continually
Beat him. Like continually hit him until he gets out of the bed.
I would have told DH "I'll show you pain" & hit him with whatever object was available until he got out of the bed & handled those kids.
PS: CONGRATS on the baby
What - does he have cancer or
What - does he have cancer or something? What could this pain possibly be that would excuse his behavior? Was it a headache or something? I would be ripsh*t angry. I think the idea of your going to your Mom's for a while is a good idea...at least then you could get some rest. And congratulations!
I feel your pain. Wen I had
I feel your pain. Wen I had my youngest, they sent me home after less than a day. While I was in the hospital, my (then) husband went out and bought a motorcycle. We got home, he expected me to make lunch for the three of us (me, him and our 2yo), and then told me I could stay home with the kids while he went out for his bike. In the rain. Or we could all go with.
People at the bike shop were asking me how old the baby was, and I was looking at my watch as she wasn't even 24 hours old. God, was I stupid or what?
Congrats, though!
ETA - could your Mom come to help you out?
OMW - So I just joined this
OMW - So I just joined this site cos I am battling at the moment and I am thinking sheit this is about to get worse.......
Damn hun, I would also have given him something to complain about!!!
Sigh And it's V Day - and where is the romance for all the hard work!
Peed off and ready for tequila!!!!
Congratulations! I like what
I like what another poster said- is it possible to take off with biokids to your folks? Just for a few days? Give him a taste?