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SD12 has upped her game

Thisisnotus's picture

I have said before that when SD12 is here (she does not spend the night and sleeps until 3 pm so doesn't normally arrive until 5) that she doesn't for one second leave DHs side.

MIL (on weekdays) will pick her up from BM and bring her here since DH is working. With the timing DH is normally getting home as MIL and SD12 arrive. When DH gets home he has to change out of his uniform.....and he likes to take a few minutes to relax in our room. SD can't stand it....because although she follows him to the bathroom and waits outside the door....she can't follow him into to change clothes.


so what did she do today? She called DH when she and MIL were on the way here to tell him that he needs to be changed out of his work clothes by the time she gets here because he "always goes in his room to change right when she gets here".

i heard on the phone....I laughed and snickered to myself....DH hung up and immediately went to change.

these people are nuts

Thisisnotus's picture

I know! It's so weird.

we got covid so haven't seen skids until this week for most of July and they are going on vacay with BM starting I guess DH just had to listen to her demands.

Oddly SD17 has been here all week but SD12 has only graced us for a total of maybe 4 hours all week. So if SD12 really wanted to spend time with daddeeeee she could have all week......but no. Which is why I'll never understand her obsession with him when she is here.

tog redux's picture

Exactly, that's what always gets me the most. He thinks he's being Father Of The Year for accommodating this asinine request, but in reality, he's creating an entitlement monster who will have a miserable life, thanks to her parents treating her like rainbows shoot out of her a$$.