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Small Victory

newsm2011's picture

I wrote a few months ago about my husband and BM and how she was trying to get more child support as well all alimony. She not only was tring to get money, but all of the documents she submitted she lied on. My husband got a new attorney who is on his stuff. He recently went to court and she was held in contempt for lying on these court documents. She lied about her income, how much is deducted on a monthly basis, housing costs, and really everything. Thank goodness my husband has kept all receipts since he pays all school bills, health insurance, and clothing and other expenses. She had to provide the documents where she got theses alleged estimated housing expenses. And guess what she lied!!! And the judge was ticked off....wasting time and lying in court. She has to pay back child support, alimony, and had to spend a week in jail. The judge said only thigs that pertain to the children should be included as expense. Not your personal entertainment. YES!!!! A small victory. Now her child support went from 1200/month to 650 and she gets no alimony. ANd we can still do things for the children as always. I for one don't mind taking care of our children...but I do mind supporting her! GET A JOB! Take that Trifling Baby Momma@!!!!!hahahahaha. See it does pay to tell the truth!

WickedStepMom18's picture

OMG! Victory! And yes - probably not a New Yorker. My BF tried getting her for back child-support and she ended up having the tables turned on him because the receipts he had, he couldn't prove were to the day-care provider. They were money order receipts with the owner's name on them but the witch lied and told the judge she had never heard of this person! So - congratulations. I feel like that's a victory for all of us!!

newsm2011's picture

No I don't...its rare, but let me tell you the last two years the way she has gone into this court...crying...calling me a husband stealing "B", going in looking like Ragedy Anne one day and J Low the next. dragging the kids to court, and cursing at the attorneys. I mean she has done it all....and performed. She should at least get two oscars for her performance. She came in time with a neck brace and stated she injured herself and thats why she cant work and he has to pay her bills. LOL...I mean for real. She is lazy and a liar and she doesn't even have full custody anymore we do, and the judge I think is fed up...we'll take it though. Maybe now she will put the children first instead of herself...doubt it . But one can wish.

newsm2011's picture

Thanks everyone....its been a long long journey. But we were honest, didn't lie, didn't argue, stayed organized and put the children first not ourselves, and just follwed the law. It does work sometimes. Good Luck everyone!

Milomom's picture

Congrats newsm2011!!!!!!

Auteur is right, this type of "good experience in court against the BM" would NEVER happen here in the pro-BM state of New York, land of the massive CS$$ awards to lazy, leeching BM's. But I digress...

I personally wanted to just say THANK YOU for this post, though. It is truly inspiring. Every time I read a post like this, where a court actually makes a decision that is FAIR and doesn't let the BM get away with murder, it gives me hope and puts a smile on my face.

"I for one don't mind taking care of our children...but I do mind supporting her. GET A JOB!! Take that Trifling Baby Momma!"

^^^^^I love this!!^^^^^^^^^^

That's EXACTLY how I feel about our BM and having to pay her MASSIVE CS$$$ for 2 fskids (FSD16.5 & FSS13) that we SHARE TRUE 50/50 JOINT PHYSICAL & LEGAL CUSTODY OF while she only works part-time and sits on her ass expecting my FDH to support her and pay her bills. We clearly are forced to financially support TWO households - and it's extremely hard on my FDH. He works his ASS OFF and never complains. I personally think he's nuts to do it...I'd take her back to court for a downward modification in a NEW YORK MINUTE!! But I can see why he's "afraid" to do so - since the NY courts will likely INCREASE his CS$$$ to BM since he makes even MORE money than he did when they divorced - yet she still INTENTIONALLY UNDEREMPLOYS HERSELF and probably makes the same amount of money she did back then - maybe more, but not much more. It's frustrating.... GRRRRR!!!

Anyway, soooo happy for you!!!!

****Milomom doing big Happy Dance for newsm2011!!!****

P.S. Did you say you STILL have to pay BM $650/mo. even though your DH now has FULL CUSTODY of skids????

newsm2011's picture

Yes...sickening that they live with us 85% of the time and she is still getting child support. But, hey I have a renued confidence in the courts and even though it sucks and isn't fair I would pay a million bucks to not have to deal with her anymore. Eventually the checks will stop and she will be walking around crying again. Oh Well!

CaveCanem's picture

Didn't have a moment to say congrats to you too! I'm in New England where its just as bad (if not worse) than NY or NJ!

The BM in our situation doesn't work either and also tried to have my DH pay for everything. She thinks she is entitled....pfffft!