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Stepchild related events - I shouldn’t go?

Chelsearg's picture

Hi everyone, I have been a step parent since I was young, for 8 years now. We are married and I have a lot to do with the care of stepson (11) when he’s here on weekends and holidays. His dad works a lot. 

Stepson has a production at school coming up and the ex messaged hubbys parents about it and said to let hubby know. I dont know why she didn’t message hubby instead when she happily abuses him daily via text. 

The grandparents are going and have asked hubby if he is going. They also mentioned it to me. Hubby said “yeah I’ll go” and I had said “yeah we will go”. Now the grandparents are messaging hubby hinting that he should go alone, and should they tell the ex “WE” will be going. 

For starters, hubby will sort it out, why do they feel the need to for him? 

It seems like they are very obviously making a point to hubby that he should go alone and making a big deal about the ex getting worked up if “WE” go. We have always done things as a family and don’t seperate our lives at all in terms of the child being my stepson. 

I feel like I shouldn’t go now and don’t want to go. I’m so sick of this “I’m just the stepmom” thing and should step back. We are fucken married and have been together for 8 years and have a kid together and trying for another. He had a child with someone he barely knew and now hates (short toxic relationship) and he’s expected to act like they are a happy family and remove us whenever it comes to that whole situation. I support my stepson financially and care for him more than his father! 

Hubby doesn’t see anything wrong with the situation and told me to come along. But when his parents are making comments like “oh do we tell ex that your wife and kid are coming too” and “what do we say to her” and “are you going alone or going to bring the wife and kid” it makes me feel pretty feral about it all. His mum had asked me if we were going and I said yes and then the above comments were to hubby after she had already asked me. 

Hubbys parents don’t have involvement when it comes to hubbys ex and arranging things and we generally keep everything to ourselfs otherwise they become a little TOO invested in our business and opinionated. 

simifan's picture

I would go. I'd also tell hubby to tell the nosy in laws to mind thier business. 

Chelsearg's picture

he thinks I’m reading too much into it. Clearly not. We seen a councillor over all the struggles that come with having a kid with an ex and the step parent struggles. She told hubby he needs to stop being “blind” and stop trying to be a mediator and keeping the peace and more of a husband who is sticking by his new family and backing us up not matter what. 

ldvilen's picture

Wow!  A counselor who actuallyseems to get it.  She's as good as gold.

I love dogs's picture

Exactly. Ignore the ILs. No one owes BM an explanation for her child's father attending an event with his family.

Kes's picture

When it comes to things like this, I am a great believer in doing what feels best for YOU.  Not for DH, not for the parents in law, nor the BM.  It sounds like you would like to go to this event - in which case, go and don't be infuenced by their stupidity. 

elkclan's picture

Personally, I'm always 100% thrilled when something happens that makes it so I CAN'T go to school productions. Recorder recital? Sorry - I have a meeting. 

However, your in-laws don't have any clue about this situation - so you do what feels right - which is probably going to the play. 

Is there a bigger truth here? Does DH need to spend more one on one time with this kid?

But for a school play - you're not actually spending 'quality' time with the kid -you're there to show support - and if you've been there for him - your absence will be more hurtful than helpful. 

STaround's picture

I agree with you.  Would it bother me that ex is trying to say I cannot go (when I can)?  Sure.  But would I let that tell me what I should do?  Nope.  I have to go to enough of these things, have no desire to go to more. 

elkclan's picture

And that's for my BIO SON! (Though he's at a new school now and the production values may be higher.) I did actually enjoy the Year 3 production, but that was the only one. 

Chelsearg's picture

now the ex is claiming she can only get 3 tickets (its free entry) and because the grandparents/ in laws have already said they are going she demands hubby go with them with out us because “we” won’t get in. 

Winterglow's picture

Call the school and ask if there is a restriction on the number of tickets per child. Just tell them with a laugh that there might be "quite a few" of you (with a laugh) and you didn't want to cause a problem hence the question. 

Winterglow's picture

From my experience, the more people turn out to watch a child perform the happier that child will be.

FWIW, my fear would be that if you don't go the child will think you didn't go by choice. And you don't want that, especially as you do seem to want to go.

Chelsearg's picture

I feel like everyone has priority over me. Like I’m just the stepmum. Never mind I have 10000000% more to do with the kid than the in laws and they don’t know half of what goes on with him. They have this thing where they feel like they take priority over us as a family and more so over me and our son. He is their first grandchild so he’s a bit precious but it makes me feral that I’m always pushed away as an outsider. 

I will leave it to hubby to call the school if he wants. To be honest when this kind of thing happens I just get out right off and would rather not go otherwise I get a feral attitude and can’t even enjoy it knowing how everyone feels about me going. 

twoviewpoints's picture

Just a hunch , but it appears to me that BM may have played this deliberately.

She contacted the paternal grandparents, who of course were thrilled to be invited and receive tickets. She did it with a 'oh, tell Jr's father, there is a ticket for him too'. 

So the kid got three tickets for his paternal side of the family. Reasonable. One for Dad, one of SM and one for the little sibling. Cool. Sounds about per usual. However by getting the in-laws all excited , while Dad is clueless, BM managed to successfully rid herself of the 'undesirables' (aka, you and the other child). 

BM , IMO, knew exactly how to manipulate this event into exactly wat she wanted. Oh, no, she doesn't really want the paternal grandparents there either, but in her mind, better them than you. 

Whether you go or not is up to you. Yes, if you take the tickets away from the already and initially invited first grandparents, I'm sure the grandparents will whine and be hurt. Might even think you are selfish as you always go, do and be with skid and they don't. BM fixed you but good. You, not only got a high conflict BM, you got a sneaky b*tch in your BM.

Don't let this BM pul this off again, It is your Dh's responsibility to keep on top of his son's school and school happens. He should have direct communication with school and teachers. He should be elf informed of upcoming events and activities, the ins and outs of tickets/obtaining tickets blah blah blah. Not all, but most schools are use to dealing with divorced and/or two household children and the two sets of parents. Your Dh should not have to be being informed of production tickets by BM., BM should not be the one assigned to request and then hand out tickets. 

You have every right as an active Sm to participate. BM doesn't get a say. In the future, adjust accordingly and take her power trip away from her. 

*edited to correct silly typo


Kes's picture

I can understand that the attitude of BM's family will have spoilt any possible enjoyment you might have had in the event, but I do feel that it's a damn shame that you should be prevented from something you'd like to go to, because of them.  Personally, if it were me, I'd kick up a huge stink.  

ESMOD's picture

Your DH needs to call the school and see if it is possible for him to get enough tickets so that you can both go (and your kids if that's what you want).  You may find that they have restricted the attendance because I guess things can spider out quite a bit if everyone invites their spouses.. new spouses.. kids, grandparents, cousins etc..    If you do find that is the case then I can see wanting to give priority for the tickets to the people with a biological connection to the child.  But if there are no big limits on the tickets.. I see no reason why you should not go, if you want to  (me.. I would rather stab out my eyes than go to a kid performance... any kid).  YOu and your DH don't have to sit with the EX.. or the inlaws.  You can each visit with the child at different moments.  Shoot, novel concept here, you can all be civil to each

I think you should be welcome wherever you want to be that your husband is invited.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Never have my SSs had a school performance that had a ticket limit - even performances at Christmas when the whole fracking school is doing something together. The only time I have ever heard of ticket rationing is with graduation or graduation-related events. Even then, most schools keep back tickets specifically for parents and steps.

I call BS on BM's reasoning. The only way she'll stop (or come up with a better game; this one is lame and easy to beat) is by calling her on her bluff. Call the school, ask about ticket rationing, and then ask for 3 more tickets (or 2 if your little one is small enough to sit in your lap) if there is actually ticket rationing. Then go with the tickets you get.

If BM loses her mind at the school, she is just going to make herself look bad. If your in-laws start clutching their pearls, remind them that YOU are the BM of their other grandchild, and upsetting you is a great way for them to see NONE of their grands (say it nicely, of course).

Yes, you are a stepmom. But You are also the wife. You are also a mother, and the mother of SS's sibling. All of those things combined MAKE YOU A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH. You are, and have been, an active part of SS's life. You are bound to your DH, legally and emotionally. Take a stand for yourself and your family, if that is what you want. If BM doesn't like it, then she should have considered those ramifications before she had SS. A little late for her to have a pity party now.

elkclan's picture

It really depends. MY OSS had an event where there was only him and ONE plus one. My ex husband had to BEG for an extra ticket for his graduation so I could go and both his parents could go and that's VERY typical in the UK. It may really be a limited venue. 

However, it'd definitely worth checking out. 

Notup4it's picture

I actually think the best solution for this would be for your DH to say HE has to work and can’t go after all.... and then either you go with the in laws, or better yet send YOUR child with grandma and grandpa to see the play.

This right here will be what bites BM In her ass and makes it so she never messes with you guys again. 

There will be plenty of plays for your DH to go to, so really not a big deal. There is still a “biological connection” there by having your child with grandma and grandpa. 

It can be a pain in the butt for grandparents, and BM doesn’t get what she is after. I would totally manipulate it right back on her.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

 Your DH needs to stand up for you. He doesn't deserve to have you if he cant.

He needs to draw a boundary with his parents that you are his wife and that you and he are a unit; that he won't tolerate games or you being  excluded; and that you do so much for SS and have a relationship with him. 

He needs to prioritize and protect you and the family unit you've created from all comers, including BM and his meddling parents. And he's needs to stop playing dumb and attempting to gaslight you.


Boxer Mom6's picture

I didn't read all the replies. My first question is, why is BM the only one with info about the school thing in the first place? Shouldn't DH have access to all things school related for his son, regardless of who is custodial parent? If it's left up to BM to relay info about these things then she gets to control the whole narrative. 

My second issue is the whole grandparents thing. They need to butt out and your DH needs to be the one to tell them not to involve themselves or let themselves be brought into things like this. A quick "hey, ds has a thing. Let me know if you can come or not" message would be appropriate IF BM is the only one with the info (which she shouldn't be anyway). The grandparents acting as go between for DH & BM is a recipe for disaster from the word go. 

If tickets aren't an issue (which could actually just be something bm is saying to exclude you) and your family wants to go with DH, then that's up to YOU GUYS. Not BM. I can't imagine my dh ever asking permission or even running it by BM whether he should bring his wife and kids to his own son's thing. Again though, this is where dh should already have this info on his own and grandparents shouldn't be involved. If you want to go or dh wants you to go, then call the school and find out about this ticket business and if possible, go! Nobody cares what BM thinks about you being there. At least you shouldn't.

Chelsearg's picture

So turns out posters were correct. After a call to the school they said that the event was open to all and there were no tickets or numbers at all. That anyone and everyone is welcome and we are to bring a non perishable product for fundraising. Hubby messaged the ex and said “if there’s only 3 tickets available and WE go then how is nana and poppa going to go”, her response was to leave me and our son at home and go with his parents because she cannot get any more than 3 extra tickets. Hubby then spun around and told her he spoke to school and said that anyone and everyone is welcome and that there are no tickets at all so we will all be going. So far she has responded with “ok”. I can 100% guarantee hubby is about to receive 1000000 abusive messages once she comes up with something. This may also be why the grandparents got a bit funny because she told them she could only get 3 tickets and I had said that us 3 were going. That’s why ex would have messaged the grandparents to get them to take up “2 of the 3 tickets” before she told hubby so me and our child would be left out. She hates me with all her life. I am the only person that has stood by hubby and managed to keep a relationship with him despite her trouble. I don’t get involved with her, I don’t speak or text her, I don’t even have her number. She has been caught out and it just shows how manipulative she really is.