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Thanks Everyone

ferretmom's picture

I'm happy to report that the toilet survived. Biggrin I think one of my problems with H is he doesn't appreciate my sarcasm. He tells me I have a bad attitude and get a tone that is mean. For instance his younger sister is the know it all busybody of their family and I get tired of it. She is the food police and has to criticize every one's eating habits. This from a woman who boils hamburger. :sick: Recently she started in on me and H about cholesterol and exercise. H had a problem with his about 5 yrs ago, it was over 500 but I have gotten it down to 116 with out meds just good food. Anyway she was going on and on until I finally said sure I let him lie on the couch eating lard out of the tub and while we're discussing our husbands health how was her's. Her H never eats at home, is having an affair with Little Debbie and is 150lbs over weight. Then I got up and left, now she won't stay in the same room with me. Of course H says I was being mean to her but my Mil thinks she had it coming. Every one in the family is sick and tired of her but won't say anything because it might hurt her feelings. According to H I say things like that because I don't like other women but I told him I get along fine with other women I just don't like hypocritical bitches. This woman took a 2 month long cruise when her baby was 3 weeks old, just her and a girl friend. She left her H and baby at home because she needed a break. :O Some people shouldn't be allowed to bred. So, if I have offended any one with my "tone" I do apologize.