They are trying to push sd12 to live with us
Sd12 wants to live with us. It's been mentioned before because the kids hate Bm new husband. They also hated her last husband. Sd12 told dh when they were alone that Bm and the new h both don't have jobs. When he went to drop her off the ex step kid of dh came out to truck and told him she wanted to move in with the grandmaw but she didn't want to leave sd12. This grandmother doesn't have anything to do with sd12 because she doesn't like dh. I think it's because they have dark skin. The grandmother washes the oldest girls clothes and buys her nice expensive things but not sd12, never has... I for one don't get it! I don't care if if a child is purple..esp blood. The sd12 is nice to me and keeps to herself but has been smart Ellic in the past... Her half sister doesn't like me. Bm complained last time he had to work and I refused to watch my sd. Here's my deal. I was a single mother for many years once upon a time and I never put a man above my own child. It's a mothers instinct! Why would Bm want another woman raising her kid? Or does she want her daughter to live here for me to be a nanny and her call the shots? If sd12 lives here I'm gonna be the one having co parenting. I do not agree on Bm decisions with her choices but that's her business but if sd lived here, there would be only one woman in the house making decisions like what she wears, school work, dating. That's another thing, sd12 said she didn't want a boyfriend but told dh not to tell her mom because Bm would get mad if she didn't have a boyfriend. H told me all this. He wants his daughter to just live with us but I'm not to happy with the idea. I don't know what to do.
I'm trying to fgure out why
I'm trying to fgure out why her not wanting a b/f is bad...