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Trying to get life straight

SweetMom's picture

I have to confess and not sugar coat it In order for ME to heal. I can't stand my husband having a daughter that has her paws in him. He maybe her daddy but he is my man. She seems to think at age 11 she is In Titled. She talks about her mom promising her a cell phone and all failures in hopes to get us to get her one like she is a prize to be won. She talks about driving and begs him to let her drive his truck around his property and talks about how she wants to be just like him and wants to fix his old truck up to be hers. She comes over with the same rags and I brake down and buy her some clothes and she gets all happy, I'm sure they won't come back, as always. She talks about her half sister not being able to come, h ex step daughter. On top of all the drama mini wife hanging all over my h and planning a future and telling all our friends her and her daddy is going to open up a mechanic shop, I have a autistic decelopemental delayed 21 year old that forgets everything if anyone is dealing with disability of a child they know what I'm talking about. Also, my h wants a child and I have been wanting another one so bad too. Since I had 3 miscarriages I put on 60 lbs since 2012. Dr said my 41st birthday in November is coming up and I have to lose 30lbs in order to carry a healthy baby. Debt in my name is out of control, I have no job because h wanted me to quit and stay home to help my son. I think he was hoping I'd take on his daughter and her sister responsibility so their mom can hold job and make it. So much going through my mind of trying to make a family with this man and keep my own boundaries. It's so hard to tell a man I'm not that girls mother and he needs to pick a wife and stop trying to be his ex step kid daddy and just visit with the one. Sorry for long rant. This is trying to help Me cope. I'm sick of it all. He has a house and I do too. We live in my house. My credit debt is out of control. He does work hard and pays bills but his 11 year asking for a will and saying she is afraid he isn't going to leave her anything. Meanwhile they wear and tear my stuff up living here. My years I spent in relationship, he holds onto his stuff seperate. It's like I can't get ahead or put on a shelf like a puppet. Sorry for the poor me's but it's me & son that he will always rely on me. 11 year old is smart enough to get her own one day.

SweetMom's picture

She asked if I could get her a iPhone through my phone provider under my name because her mothers credit is screwed that we can deduct child support for it. I said no that child support is through the courts and out of our hands and what her mother did with that money is none of mine or her business

noway70's picture

Or move into HIS house and rent yours out for some extra income.
Also, if you want your marriage to work you have to be ab,e to talk to your DH and tell him how you feel.

SweetMom's picture

That is some very good advice! I mentioned renting my house out and move into his. My house is a lot nicer and everything is practically new. I bought all new appliances, washer dryer, fridge, stove, water heater, got new upgrades to my house when I got 10 years bck cs and cashed my 401k in. His house is trashed and falling apart. I did paint and upgrade is bathroom at his house myself with my credit card funds, hoping he would sale it quick. He said he is doing the best he can and its a slow process, paying credit card notes and my car note along with utilities. Both our car payments are coming down. About his daughter being over bearing, he says I'm the one being a snot. It's funny I haven't mentioned this site or anything anyone has said to me but he says I'm a snot with my attitude. He says his daughter is just being a little girl with her fantasies and all kids do that and change all the time. He did throw up about my son not Doing anything. So I'm going to try to get on the Internet and call around to find programs that will accept him. My sons dad has been paying for his lessons. He is a red belt in karate and forgot all his moves. His brain forgets stuff and gets trapped, that's why he can't read or count money. He graduated from high school. It is a constant worry I have with him, he'll always need help, guess that's why I want to have a baby so bad so when I die someone will look after him and I love my husband, would love to have his child. I just don't know how to deal with my husbands daughter. She is over bearing. She been starting the text thing like texting him 4:30am saying good morning she loved him and have a nice day and good night texts. Like a girlfriend, kinda a new thing she is doing. I do think she is trying to get under see my skin. I also know I have to give them their daddy daughter relationship but it bothers me she excludes me & my son. It's always her and her dad gonna do something, like mini wife.